• "So when do we set out" Kat asked as I was chasing my tail. I looked at her and she looked at me after about five minutes she figured out that it was really important.
    "How about now" Kat and I said at about the same time.
    "K" we continued saying the exact same thing twice.
    "By the way why are we making the journey when I have the special Vaccine in my house."
    "Hmm" I thought as I brought her near me."
    "Yeah I know but make it look good when we get to your place for stuff grab the vaccine and pack it. When we get to the top stop and give me the Elixir I will be a . . ."
    "Early snack" The woman from earlier said as she cast a web over me. She came closer hanging me upside down
    "I'll make this enjoyable and painless or slow and painfull." She said as she slid her finger across my neck clearing a spot."
    "How about Quick and painfull" Kat shouted as she pounced at her. This is about 300 pounds of muscle fur and that doesn't include her claws. Easily able to cut through steel.
    She catches her and then says since you wish to be part of the meal I'm certain a side dish would be lovely. She said as she changed from a maiden to a freakish looking creature her back sprouted eight legs as she went from a delicate to scary tone I had a real god time.
    "I sat there as she came up to me and said your first."
    I smiled then began to laugh as I noticed this tickling feeling in my back I started laughing uncontrollably.