• The noise was deafning, lights were everywhere, people were trying with hopeless,
    futile attempts, to escape the canage that ensued around them, growing larger with
    every second, Limbs flew across the small space, in which so many people seemed
    to be, leaving behind it, the heavy, sickly sweet smell of blood. Mothers cried as they
    watched their children get hacked to peices by the ever growing army of soldiers.
    Inside a small hut near the end of the street, a woman was quivering desperatly, she
    knew she would never escape the mayham and destruction, but was determained to
    let her child, a three year old boy, escape all this, no child should have to go through
    this, a small crvice in the wall, she gently slid the boy into it, at that very moment,
    soldiers burst through the door, the woman straightened up, she would be graceful in
    death, the soldiers circled her, and all pounced in at the same time, completly
    taking off her head, whilst all this time, the young boy, silently watched his mother
    die in front of his eyes.

    Thirteen years on, the once frightened lonley child is now
    sixteen, he now goes by the name of Ishida, also the apprentice to a old, but talented
    warlock, yet always in the back of his mind, he knew that magic was not his talent, he
    didnt feel at home with a staff in his hands, however, a pair of rapiers is a different
    story, blades felt right in his hands, the fine filed steel cutting through the air with
    a slight hiss of of the air cutting.."Pay Attention child" spoke the warlock, in his every
    dreary tone. "Your mind is never focused". Ishida rolled his eyes, the same story over
    and over again. Up he got "Master" he said quietly, "i request your permission to depart
    for the dojo". His voice wavered nervosly. The warlocks eyes bored into his, "the dojo
    again young one, what is so appealing about the place of violence?", Ishida tried to avoid
    eye contact, "i would like to practise my blade skills Master". The warlock continued to
    stare, "well..what are you waiting for, begone, you are of no use if you cannot concentrate"
    spoke the warlock in a bitter tone..."Thankyou Master" spoke Ishida hurridly pacing out of
    the door.