• Just like everyone else, Jeremy woke up in the morning. When he was well rested and ready to work yet another day. He'd wake up, and and brush his teeth, fantasizing about his dreams and counting brush strokes. He brushed 76 times, 30 in front, 30 in back, and 16 in between. Next, he'd take a shower. Only this time, he was thinking about what he was going to do about his paper work that was over-due.
    Jeremy looked around, "Hello?" he'd speak into the shower head. He waited patiently for a response. But there was nothing. "Hello is there anyone there?" he looked around once more, only to see that he was alone. "You can come out now!" he'd say to himself.
    "Okay." Jeremy wondered where the narrating voice came from, but only to come up with the solution that he was being haunted. "Hey how did you know I was thinking about that?" Jeremy asked himself once more.

    Jeremy Finch counted steps of how far it was to the bus stop to where his next ride to work would be. Hearing his leather shoes made an annoying sound when they hit the ground.
    Jeremy stopped in the middle of the road to hear his leather shoes, he wondered how the voice knew this. He arrived at the stop and missed it, only to see that he was never late on Wednesdays. He looked at the other lady who had missed the bus also, "Is today Wednesday?" he asked of her, she nodded in response. Jeremy looked into the sky, "Did you just hear that voice say my name?" Jeremy asked the lady. "No."
    "It just said Jeremy." the lady replied, "Well Jeremy, I didn't hear anyone say your name but you." She glared at him and ignored him the rest of the wait.

    He arrived at work, strolling among his co-workers. One in particular asked,
    "Quick Jeremy, what's 620x678?" Thinking, he came up with the answer,
    "It's 420,360." Without second thought, he was to remember that he had papers to file.

    A man with a particular clicking noise when his shoes hit the ground entered the filing room, "Here you go Jeremy."
    "Did you just hear that? The narrating voice?"
    The man looked at Jeremy strangely, "I believe I didn't."
    Jeremy picked up a file of some sort, "Here listen for it."
    He put the file in the cabinet and slid it across some others when doing so, making it as if it were making a sound as if it was a tide whisking across sand. Making him feel as if he were in a deep sea, "See? You heard that right?"
    The man looked at Jeremy, "Heard what?"
    "The woman, she's narrating everything I do."
    The man gave Jeremy some papers, "Here, take a break and have this task."
    Jeremy recieved a paper that was yet another tax related problem.

    Coming across a bakery that was the address embroded on the paper, he walked in feeling as if though someone was following him. Looking back he was to see only people who were carrying on with their lives. "Hello, are you Ms.Jones?"
    he had asked a lady who was busy working on an order, "This is her speaking."
    "Hello, I'm Mr.Finch and I came to do and Audit regarding some taxes you have not payed." The lady looked at Jeremy, "Taxes? You're the tax man? Well, let's see. I haven't payed them because they go to waste anyways, national protection? Government payment for stuff that's totally not worth? I can't pay them because they don't do any good with money anyways."
    "But ma'm, you're ordered to pay the taxes."
    "No, just leave...now!" Jeremy looked at the lady fantasizing about how good she would look in his bed, or better yet. Something worse.
    He tried not to think about such things, "Mr.Finch, you're looking at my breast."
    Jeremy looked up and seen that he was indeed. "Uh..."
    "Get out, now!"
    Jeremy left and head towards work, where he would only tell his co-workers that it was another plan failed.