• The sun shone brightly over the trees in the forest. The leaves glimmered and drops of water sparkled in the light. Deer nibbled on the grass in a clearing. A few bushes rustled and the deer looked up in alarm.
    Their eyes moved quickly, their heart beating in a quick harmony. Their muscles twitched and they slowly started to relax. The bushes rustled again and a twig snapped. Everything went still and the deer were still like statues, their eyes moving quickly, their hearts beating rapidly. A black creature emerged from the bushes. It's fur thick and black like shadows, it's eyes a piercing red and it's mouth open, drool dripping onto the grass. It's tail whipped the bushes and they made a loud cracking noise.
    It put one paw in front of the other, and the dark wolf creature stepped forward, step by step. The deer just stood there, hypnotized by the blood, red eyes. A smile emerged on the wolf's face, it's teeth pearl white and they sparkled in the light. It stopped and crouched down.
    The deer ran off in different directions, and as quick as it came, the wolf chased after one of them. Twigs snapped, bushes cracked, and the noise broke through the stillness of the morning, like a rock smashing though a glass window. The deer stopped and everything went quiet. It stood in fear as a loud panting echoed though the air. It looked around in confusion and then it looked up. Siting on a tree branch was the wolf. It pounced on the deer and everything for the deer...went black. The last memory being the creature's piercing, bloody, red eyes.