• Talin woke up Monday morning. He looked over to the unopened curtains. Still no Katline. He sighed, got out of bed himself, then opened the curtains. He remembered now. He gave his powers away, so he wouldn't hurt Katline... How exactly did he do it? He could get his powers back and go rub it in his mother's face, and give them away whenever he wanted to for Katline. He opened his eyes wide he realized.
    “No...I...How? When did I...? I can't!” Talin grabbed his chest where his heart lay beating quickly. “Katline...” he walked out, sighing, and bumped into Talula with her uniform on.
    “You're still going to my school,” she said, “You can't escape it.”
    Talin was about to push past her, but Walter came out with the school uniform on.
    Talin forgot everything, and covered his mouth. “Y-y-you...look...swell,” he tried to contain his laughter.
    “Shut up,” he tried to fixed his tie, but Talula fixed it for him.
    “You look very handsome,” she kissed him and smiled.
    “Like a monkey in a suit,” Talin choked.
    Walter glared.
    Talin waved it off, and began walking again.
    “Where are you going to?” Talula asked.
    “Somewhere,” Talin didn't stop walking.
    “Talin,” she warned.
    “Yees?” he mocked with the same tone.
    “I would be getting ready for school,” she raised an eyebrow.
    “In a minute,” he rang.
    “Talin,” her voice grew stern.
    “Whaaaaat!?” he turned around, fed up.
    “Where are you going?” she asked.
    “I'm the older brother here. I'm not a child. I'll go wherever I want,” he turned back around.
    “You're acting like a child! If you're going to the huma-”
    “And you're acting like mom. Now we're even. I'm going,” he walked away until he realized Talula was following him, and Walter behind her.
    Talin turned around and sighed, “What?”
    “If you're going to that human, you should know Mom moved her. You're not-”
    Talin glared, and went back to his room. Talula was sixteen too, and she got to have her servant lover.
    Talin threw himself on his bed, frustrated. God, she loves to control everything! He shouted in his head. He cursed and punched his wall, which made a dent in it. He examined his red knuckles and sighed again. He was still as mundane as ever, and Katline was still waiting.
    He started over. What kind of curse could do that to Katline? He'd have to ask Talula another time.
    He got dressed and walked to school before the other two.

    “Alright, class. Welcome back Mr. Nomed. You'll have a lot of catching up to do, so I hope you're actually better from the pneumonia you had,” Ms. Mizu introduced, starting a very long lecture that Talin would never understand.
    Talin sighed. Abelina was still there, which scared him. Walter was older, so he had been placed in the upper class. Talula was still sitting behind him. Nothing had really changed though.

    The lunch bell rang. Students fled out of the class. Talula grabbed Talin and pulled him off from to the side. “Are you going to do it or no?! I'd rather you get it over with quicker!”she whispered impatiently.
    “Huh?” Talin asked.
    Walter caught up with them, full of unease.
    Talula continued, “Go kiss Abelina already!”
    Talin was drawn back, “At school!? Are you serious!?”
    “Yes I'm serious! You want to do it at her house!?” Talula hushed him.
    “You guys! Come on, we've only got thirty minutes!” Abelina rushed back for them.
    “Take Talin with you. I've got to...do something really quick,” Talula pushed Talin forward.
    “'K, but don't be too long!” she took Talin by the hand.
    Talin looked back to his younger sister, who was leading Walter somewhere private.

    Talin stopped in the middle of the deserted hall. He lowered his head when Abelina turned to him. How could he do this when it wasn't Katline? It was for her, but it wasn't her.
    “Talin, come on!” Abelina smiled.
    Talin grabbed her by the shoulders, pressing her against the wall.
    “Talin?” she asked. Her voice was scared, and her body was trembling.
    “I have to do this. For Katline,” Talin came closer, but something or someone grabbed his collar and threw him to the lockers.
    Talin slumped down the lockers. He closed his eyes, assuming that the goddess had turned into the monster that was going to eat him.
    “Don't touch my sister, freak,” it was a guy's voice.
    Talin opened his eyes, seeing a guy with silver hair and pink eyes. He looked like a pansy, but since he had thrown Talin across the hall, he apparently was not. “Who're you!?” Talin shouted.
    “Abelina's brother, Jacob. If you lay a hand on her ever again, you freak, I'll make sure you can't get up. Come on, Abelina. Let's go eat,” he growled, and took Abelina away.
    “Damn it...” Talin hit his head against the lockers.

    Talula released her lips from Walter. Her body was in between him, and a corner somewhere outside the school. “You know, this could get us suspended.”
    “But you're hungry, aren't you?” he asked, “And this school sucks. I'd rather be at home waiting for you anyways.”
    Talula smiled and kissed him again, filling her stomach. “I've never had lunch until now,” she smiled, content.
    Walter kissed her on her neck, as if he were a vampire. Now was his turn to feed. “Hey, Talula?” he released her, and didn't look at her.
    “Yes?” she asked. What was wrong?
    Walter pause of a minute or so, “What... What if your mom does the same thing to me, like Katline?” his voice quivered like a little string pulled.
    Talula put her hand on his left cheek gently, guiding his gaze to her. “Listen to me, Walter.” Walter tried to pull his head away, but Talula made him look at her again like a puppy in trouble. “Listen. I will never,” he tried to pull away again, “Never let her take you away from me.” she said sternly.
    Walter slightly smiled at her enthusiasm. “Yes, Talula,” he was about to kiss her, but Talin came, walking his head in shame.
    Talula let go of Walter, and met Talin. “And? What happened?” Talula asked, interested in what happened.
    Talin looked up at the sun, and fell backwards on the grass. “Your plan failed, o loving sister,” he sighed, blocking the sun from his eyes.
    Talula tilted her head, troubled by her brother. She looked back at Walter, who was leaning on the school building, then back at Talin. “What went wrong?” she finally asked.
    Talin rolled his eyes under his arm, and then sighed with all of his disappointment. “The guard. Abelina's brother of a hulk.”
    Talula sighed depressingly. “Alright then,” she nodded, “Let's go to lunch.” She started walking, with Walter behind her, and Talin finally getting up.

    “Talula!” Abelina waved from her table that she was saving for her friends. She smiled when Talula sat with her and her brother, and Walter and Talin also came.
    The guy, Jacob, didn't take his glaring eyes off of Talin, and eventually made Talin not look away from his food. He was a very overprotective brother, and Talin made his black list.
    Talula and Abelina were talking nonstop, while Walter watched Jacob. He wished he could stare Talula's brother down.
    “So. I really don't get the English today. You know English, Abelina. Could you come to my house and help me for a bit? Plleeaassseee?” Talula put her hands together and asked hopefully. Plan B was under way.
    Both Talin and Walter looked wide-eyed at her. They would've screamed, “WHAT?!” but they were in a public place, with Abelina. Talin stuck her in the side, which ended up in a cold look. Walter bumped his head with hers, which ended him in a headache.
    Abelina thought about her day after school. “I guess I could come for a bit-”
    “I don't know. What is your house like?” Jacob finally spoke.
    “What are you talking about?” Talula asked, smiling. He was a tough cookie. She would have to get passed him to get to Abelina now.
    “Are you sure you won't do anything wrong with my sister?” he shot a nasty glance at Talin, and then back at Talula.
    The young girl was a little put off by this guy. “Don't worry. As long as Abelina is in my care, she'll be fine,” she said firmly, and held Abelina's hand over the table.
    “You guys,” Abelina finally spoke. “I'll be fine, Jacob. Talula just needs a little help. You know how much time she puts in to helping me?” And Jacob didn't speak against it.