• "happy birthday', yelled everyone. It was a suprise party for me. their were ballons, presents, food, and a huge choclate cake. its my 15th birthday party and i spent almost the whole day with my boy friedns which i've never done before. today was special not just because its my birthday but because i finally lost my virginity with my boy friend sergio. atleast that what i thought until i found out i was pregnant. my life was ruined, i didnt know what to do. i didnt want to tell my parents cause i knew they would hat eme for it and i was right. when i told them what happen they freaked and sent me packing they were really mad and i was upset, i didnt no it would turn out this way. I went to sergio's apartment and to tell him what happen and he abandoned me. i was left alone on the streets witout anyone to go to. My friend annie took me in. i was so greatful of her. i got a job and continue going to school. i worked nights and weekends. i was able to pay for rent and buy some baby things for my baby and by some clothes for me to. when jose was born it made me think about sergio and how much they look alike. college came around fast and i met alberto there that when i got pregnant again for maya but everything was great. albero didnt abandoned me he stayed with me and helped me throw everything and we soon got married. we were on our way to hawaii for a family vacation which was supose to be our honeymoon when the plane crashed. alberto, maya, and jose died and i lost my memory for that moment. me and a coupl of survivors were stuck on and island in hawaii. it was desserted. we were there for a while for about 5 or 6 day but someone found us, and that someone is sergio he was a rescue cop but i didnt Know. sergio took me in and helped me and made me feel comfortable. soon we were dating. in about 3 or 4 years we got married and soon after that we had our second baby together i named him jose as well. live was going great until jose turned five and he reminded me of my other jose i cried for a long time while my memory adjusted. me and sergio had a fight and i packed out with jose. he would alwas call me and beg or come to my house and leave flowers and choclates and teddy bears at the door begging for me and jose to come back eventually we did. we moved to new mexico to tell alberto's parent what happend to there son but we didnt have to cause they were dead aswell. i got a job as a nurse and sergio was still a rescue cop and we only saw him during holidays. this may not be a happy family but atleast i have a family and thats all i care about.