• I remember it vividly.
    I was about five or so and I just woke up from a horrible nightmare that had been frightening me for a few nights now. I got up and wrapped my blanket around me and left to go to my parent’s room. This made things worse because the nightmare began with me walking down a dark hallway alone, somewhere along the way I slipped and fell to the floor but I didn’t make much noise because of the blanket but I just laid there too terrified because I thought my nightmare had come true. I just silently wept and held my eyes shut tightly. The next thing I knew I was being picked up by a pair of arms and moved onto a soft bed, I refuse to open my eyes but I heard voices. . .
    The first one said, “I think she wants to see you, she must have had the dream again.”
    Then I heard that sweet voice that was all too familiar to me, “Is she alright?” I realized that mom and dad must have heard me and felt a little better. With a sob a cried, “Mom?”
    “She’s just a little scared.” Dad explained
    “It’s okay sweetie, I’m here.” Mom replied and put her arms around me. I instantly hugged her waist with a death grip.
    “D, she’s terrified.” Mom told him apprehensively
    “Why don’t you two take a walk? This seems like one of those things that needs your touch.” Dad told her
    “Alright. Come on honey, let’s go out for a little bit.” Mom tenderly added. This is when I opened my eyes and looked up into my mother’s face. Her Sapphire blue eyes held a warmth all their own and made me feel like she was there to hold onto me and keep everything from hurting me. With tears streaming down my face I agreed and we walked outside onto an old road about fifty or so feet from our house. The whole time I stared at the ground, ashamed of waking my parents up in the middle of the night.
    “You don’t need to feel bad about waking us up. You were scared and you wanted to see us.” Mom said
    “Yeah, but this is the third time it’s happened.” I started to explain
    “Which is why we’re out here, I want to show you something, look up ahead.” She said. I looked up and saw this blue flame appear, first it was faint then got brighter and faded as quickly as it came. I saw it as it gently flew past. A blue flame like fish with a mask on it. Nothing seemed scary about it, actually, it seemed quite comforting. Suddenly I felt Mom’s arms wrap around me and looked down to see that she had wrapped herself in a blanket before hugging me.
    “This creature is one of our friends, don’t be scared of him, he has never seen you before and is just curious. Whenever you feel scared, he will always be there to comfort you even when I’m not.” Mom informed me. Instantly I felt hot tears stream down my face again and I quickly tried to brush them away. Chokingly I started to ask, “Mom I-
    “Shh, don’t say a word honey, You see this blanket? It’s like my wings, they’re here to protect you. When you get older you’ll have wings of your own. But I want you to always remember that no matter what, my wings will always be here to keep you safe.” I turned to Mom and hugged her waist again, feeling the caress of her hands on my head and I felt that everything was going to be alright. Then I finally went to sleep.