• There was once a girl. Her name was Amy. She thought she knew everything. She used to say no guy was good enough for her...Well! One day Amy went out for a walk in the forest. There was story's of mythical creature's coming out at that time of day. She walked past a tree were they were bushes all around it. There was a rustling sound coming from them. "Hello? Is anyone there?" She thought to herself "Oh what the hell! No one's there it was proberly an animal..." She walked on then she heard something again. She turned around. There was a boy dressed as a Military soldier. He had brown-ish hair. She thought he looked handsome. He looked at her and smiled. "Hello My name is Patrick but you can call me Nukes." He said softly. "Hello I'm Amy" She said and smiled. His hand was out for her to shake it. She shook his hand and smiled. "Hello Nukes." He kissed her hand and said "You look very pretty Amy.." She blushed "Thank you I like...What if I said this was love at first sight?" He paused and smiled. There was a sound of bomb's "C'mon!" He picked Amy up and ran "I'll protect you Amy!" Thoughts went through her head of Patrick.
    They got to a bar in Barton town called "The Galatic Space Bar" Patrick put Amy down and he took her hand and they went into the bar. There was a bartender standing behind the bar and the owner was there. His name was Matthew but everyone called him "Joe". "Joe we have a problem! M-p-d is at war!" Joe was drinking a beer at the time and he nearly choked on it. "Oh my!" Joe spinned his seat round and looked at Amy. "Another girl...?" "Yes she's quite something..." Amy smiled and said to Joe. "Hi I'm Amy." "Please to meet you Amy I'm Matthew but just call me Joe!" Joe smiled and then looked at Patrick. "I see you and Nukes are acquinted." "No Joe I just met Amy..." "Oh well Amy...Nukes is the president of M-p-d." Nukes stood there proud and smiling. "Well I'm Amy. I'm a demon. I'm the last demon in my family... My Mother and Father got killed by a great demon named Shimunto...
    Patrick paused for five minute's then said "Hmmm...Thats weird because I am half demon, half fox..." Joe finished his beer. Amy sat down on a bar stool and Nukes sat next to her. Amy watched Nukes in amazment she never thought she'd find a guy so perfect for her! "Amy would you like to..would you like to?" "What?" She laughed she thought she knew what he was going to say. "Would you like...?" Joe kicked Nuke's foot. "Amy would you like to go to the Barton fair with me?" She smiled. "I would love to." He smiled and Joe's eyebrow's were raised. Amy looked at the time and said "Well I got to go home" She wrote her address down on a napkin, 7 Barton 065411. She smiled, kissed his cheek then walked home.
    (Back at the bar.) "So what-cha think of Amy, Joe?" Patrick nervously asked Joe. "Yeah she's cool and I think she's into you." Patrick smiled and looked down at the napkin that Amy written her address on for him. "So whens the Barton town Fair I forgot again..." "It's tomorrow. You gonna be there Joe?" "Well ofcourse!" Patrick laughed...
    The next day was the day of the fair and Amy was getting ready she wore the new Music note picnic dress. She put on some mascara and lip gloss. Then she looked for her black Audrey strap heel's. She looked in her shoe wardrobe. "Where could they be?!" Then got to the back of her shoe wardrobe. "Woohoo I found them!" She shouted in triumph. She sat on her bed and put her high heel's on. She stood up and looked in the mirror. Then a doorbell went it was Nukes. She went to the door and opened it. "Hey Nukes!" She smiled and then he smiled and then kissed her. "Oh my god! He's so amazing!" Amy thought. "I brought some flower's." "Oh thanks Come on in." Patrick came in and Amy shut the door and took the flower's "They're really nice. I'll go get a vase." She put some water in the vase and put the flowers in the vase. "Ok lets go!"
    They went to the fair and a few friend's of Nukes where there and Amy's friend Natasha was there. "Amy!" Natasha shouted and hugged Amy. "Now who's this cute guy next to ya?" "This is Nukes" She whispered "I kinda like him." "Dips..!" She said still whispering. "Oh damn you got in first. Oh well! Are you entering the singing contest? With Stardust?" Amy gasped "Theres a singing contest here?!" "Yeah you can do anything as long it's you singing!" "Hmmm I think I might sing Tomorrow if it rains." "Ohhh your good at that oh wait...duh! Its your song ofcourse! Ok want me to run to your house and grab Stardust?" "Yeah go get my Stardust!" Amy gave Natasha her house key's. "Whats Stardust?" Patrick asked Amy. "Oh Stardust is my guitar." "Why did you call it Stardust?" "Because it's made out of Star Diamond's and my first song I created was Dust so I came up with the name Stardust!" Amy smiled. "Cool! So are you going to enter the singing competion." Patrick asked Amy. "Yeah and I know what I'll sing either Broken strings or Tomorrow If It Rains." "Go with Broken string's because I've heard of it and I know you will sing it perfectly." "Awww thanks your sweet." Nuke's friend's started saying to him "Kiss her!" Then he kissed Amy and they both smiled. "Woohoo!" Joe said. Natasha came back with Stardust. I took it from her and put the guitar on my back. "Thanks Natasha!" Amy hugs Natasha. "Did I miss anything?" "Nukes kissed Amy!" Joe replied. Natasha gasped "Wow! I missed alot in 10 minutes!" They all laughed and then Patrick hugged Amy and Amy kissed Patrick.
    The announcer for the singing contest came on the microphone... "All people wanting to enter the singing contest please give your name and song to George over there! So the band can get intune to back you up in the song! Thank you!" "Ok erm be right back I'll go enter myself" "I'm going to enter too!" Amy and Natasha ran to George and entered their names into the contest. There was a few names called up then "Natasha Baker! Come on up!" The music of Did you forget started to play. Amy cheered on Natasha. Then it was time... "Amy Johnston! Come on up!" Natasha and Nukes friends cheered on Amy. Amy started to play Broken strings and was happy. It got to the end of the song. Everyone was cheering Amy on. She kept smiling then she came off stage and Nukes kissed her passionatly. It got to the end of the night. Then they crowned who won the contest... "Natasha Baker!" Natasha grabbed Amy and they both went on stage together. They gave Natasha a ribbon and a cheque for $2000. We all started to head home when Me and Patricks went into his house for a while.
    The next day Amy woke up in Patrick's house. "Woah...What happend?" "Nothing just we..." Amy kissed Patrick while smiling. Patrick smiled too... Amy went home and got ready. They all went to the bar with Joe for the rest of the day.
    The next two day's Amy felt a pain in her stomach and she went to the toilet and tried a pregnancy test. Amy screamed. Then Natasha came over to Amy's house and they both went to the race's. Suddenly Amy went into Labour. She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Luke. Natasha helped Amy out in this situation as she is a good friend. Natasha helped her through birth of Luke and to make it worse...He was a fire demon just like his mother...
    The next day Amy was talking to Azn. Amy knew he liked her because he tried flirting with her... "You had a kid?! Awww! Who's the Father?" He shouted. "The Father is Nukes." She smiled. "Oh...I thought something happend with you two... Well I got to go..." "Okay then? Bye?" "Yeah see ya..." Azn replied feeling down. Amy sat down at her desk craddling Luke. "What will Patrick think of this? I hope he is not angry." Amy thought. A few minute's later Medai came in. "Amy! I'm the new m-p-d leader!" He shouted happily. "Joe quit!" "Oh my god... Joe has lost it but I still love him he's a good friend..." Then Snake came in. "Hey Snake." "Hey Amy oh...you have a kid?" "Yeah erm...Me and Nukes kid...Luke." "Oh cool..." "Oh Amy,Snake Aaron is coming." "Oh...cool. Erm who?" "Nuke's secretery." "Oh right." Suddenly Aaron appeared. "Oh hey Aaron." "Hey Amy! Arn't you and Nukes married?" "No we are just boyfriend and girlfriend but I would like to marry him..." Aaron gasped. "You admitted that you love Nukes!" "Yes I do love him. I remember the day we met like it was a few month's ago. Oh wait...It was a few month's ago..." Amy said and then Aaron laughed. "Boo!" "What the?!" Amy said. "Oh hey Eagle." Aaron said. "Hey guy's wanna go to the bar?" "Yes sure." "Nah guy's I'm gonna stay here." Amy said. "See ya Amy..."
    The next day Amy woke up and got ready. She went to the mailbox and on the ground there was a red rose. She picked it up and looked at the tag on it. It said "Hey Amy come to my house. -Nukes p.s leave Luke with Natasha. " Amy smiled. She went back into the house and got ready she put on her dress and picked up Luke. "Hey Luke. You going with Auntie Natasha?" Amy smiled. She got Luke ready and called Natasha. "Hey Natasha wanna spend some time with Luke." "Well lets see he is my ONLY nephew and I won't turn that over down so yes! I would love to I'll come get him." So Natasha came over and picked up Luke and took him back to her house. Meanwhile Amy was walking to Patrick's house. Then she got to his house and went in. "Hey Nukes" "Oh hey Amy." He kissed her then went down on his knee to tie his shoe. Amy gasped and said "What are you doing?" "I'm tieing my shoe!" Patrick laughed. "Oh right I thought you were gonna ask me to marry you for a second there!" Amy said. "Oh really now? Well like this?" Patrick got on his knee and took Amy's hand. "Amy will you marry me?" He smiled and took out a ring. "Yes! I will." Patrick stood up then kissed her. Then he turned round and opened Champagne. Amy stayed the night at Patrick's house.
    The next day Amy woke up in Patrick's house. Patrick was still sleeping. She kissed him then said "I'll see you later." Amy started to walk to her house and Natasha was there with Luke. "Hey Natasha." "Hey and I got to go..." She said and had a frown. "Ok I'll talk to you later." Amy picked up Luke. "Hello." Then Jordan came in. "Oh my god! A little birdy told me that someone in here is getting married and by the way it's not me and I'm pretty sure it's not Mr PoopyPants over there sitting beside the bride to be!" Jordan said. Luke laughs hysterically. Amy giggles and gets up and hugs Jordan. "Enjoy Spain?"Excuse...me but I'm the one asking question's here Mrs Nukes!" Amy laughs "Excuse me! But this is my house answer or get" "Woah fiesty!" Amy smiled. "Enjoy spain?" "Yeah I loved now onto something important! The wedding?!" "Oh I knew you would ask. Anyways any sign of you getting a girl friend Mister?!" "No. I only need one girly and that is you my blonde friend!" "Oh thank you." Jordan sat next to Luke. "Now have you heard about that Mommy and Daddy?" "Jordan you mad man your talking to a baby!" "He's smart! He'll understand me!" "Ok Luke? Whos does Mommy love the most?" Luke laughs. Amy smiled. "Wow he's as smart as you Amy!" "Oh tha...Oi..." "Ok I got to go check on wifey!" "What the..Whos wifey?" "Oh no one. How are you wifey?" Amy laughed. "Wifey? Nope get in line Jordan!" "Haha. See ya Amy. See ya Luke-y boy!" Jordan went out the door. "Jordan and his irish charm..."
    Two months past and then...It was the Big day. Natasha and Jordan were fighting over the flowers, my dress, who is walking me down the aisle and how Amy was going to get in without anyone seeing her. So Amy was in her room with Luke. Luke was 9 months now. "Ok my little demon we gonna get you ready for our big day? Ok lets do this!" Amy got Luke dressed and then Natasha came in. "You okay Amy?" "Yeah just wish Mom and Dad were here to see us." "Mom would be proud and Dad would be keeping an eye on Nukes." Natasha laughed. "Well he was protective of us both with guys!" "Yeah he was that..." "Ladies come on! Luke come on. Let Mommy and Auntie Natasha get ready." He was about to walk out the door when..."And ladie's please! Do not take forever with Make up, dresses and hair!" He shut the door over and Amy started to get ready. Amy put her wedding dress on. "Its beautiful isn't it?" "Yeah one big thing that is mostly is..." "Okay! What do you think of this? A light pink dress." Amy gasped. "Thats beautiful but...You hate pink." "Yeah but your the bride you wanted pink so boom! Heres pink!" "Awww thanks!" Natasha started to curl Amy's hair then straigtned her own hair. They were both ready and went out of Amy's room. "Ok ta-da!" Natasha said. "Oh my...Dress!!!" "Excuse me?!" Amy laughed "Oh sorry...Oh your dress!" "Thank you Jordan." "Look at Mommy Luke!" Jordan picked Luke up so he could see his Mother. "Okay lets go! Amy I worked out a plan you run while Natasha draws everyone to their seats! You just run into the next room." "Hmmm yeah good plan now lets do this!" So they made their way to the wedding venue. Amy ran into the next room and waited for Natasha to say "Ready! Lets go." Then a figure came in. It was Amy's old friend/enemy Arrow formly known as I3roken. "Oh my god! Arrow!" Arrow hugged Amy. "Okay come on you! Your getting married!" "I know but I have to wait for Natasha." "Okay I'll be in there and I will see you in there ok?" "Yeah see ya in there." Arrow went into the wedding venue and sat down. Natasha came into the room to see Amy. "Okay ready. You ready?" "Yeah." Natasha went back into the room and Amy followed. Everyone turned round to see Amy. There was a gasp coming from everyone then Patrick saw Amy but he did not gasp. He has saw her all the time even more beautiful than the last time. Natasha walked down the aisle carrying Luke. Luke was watching his Daddy. Amy walked down the aisle with Jordan. He was the only guy that she loved more than hell it self but Patrick was the guy she was marrying so she asked Jordan to walk down with her. She smiled at Patrick then Jordan handed Amy's hand to Patrick and whispered to him "Take care of her..." "I will." Patrick whispered back. So they went through the vow's and then... "You may kiss the bride!" Patrick kissed Amy. They walked back up the aisle and to the after the party.

    The End!