• As the rain comes down
    He thinks how his life could be so much better than anyone else's
    As he thinks he see a beaut girl
    Small, Blonde with Purple eyes and she looks at him
    As her eyes smothers his breathing air, as the rain comes down
    He fainted slightly until pain shot through his body
    He cried in pain, his eyelids shut,
    As the pain fainted, he opened his eyes and was surrounded by men and women in suits and fancy clothing,at once he knew why he was there
    He ran through the halls of the mansion he thought was,
    he looked in a mirror he had come upon of,
    As he looked in the mirror he gasped with delight,
    He was his fantasies body, a rich powerful man
    At once he knew what had happened again,
    The girl was Stacy
    A girl he knew was real as a young boy
    His long lost imaginary friend,
    Who he had told then kids at his school what she could do
    As she could grant his wishes
    She,Stacy, had granted his wish of becoming more important
    To tell him she loved him and that she was real
    He'll never forget his Stacy.