• Sancatuary

    Sometimes, Teenagers, Children, even adults are overly Dramatic.
    "My boyfriend broke up with me!!" And then she goes and cries.
    "I broke my favorite toy truck!!!" And then, he goes and cries.
    "Shes been cheating on me for a month..." And then he goes and cries.
    I hope you can figure out whose who in terms of age in the previous.
    But what is true misery? Breaking up a short relationship? Breaking a toy? Or even being cheated on. True human beings cannot understand what true misery is.
    But when a 13 year old boy has an abusive father, no mother, 6 older and abusive brothers, a family that can barely afford their tiny home, and to be bullied and made fun of constantly.
    It seems as if, hes tainted so much, he dosent understand what a sad emotion is. He dosent understand the warm droplets slowly falling from his eyelids are. But, they happen.
    This boys name, is Kai.
    And today, June 3rd, is his birthday.
    His first brother gave him a sucker punch.
    His second brother gave him a rag.
    His third brother gave him a kick to the testicles.
    His fourth brother gave him a dead rat.
    His fifth and sixth brothers didn't know it was his birthday.
    His stepfather gave him a nasty sentence.
    "You want a present? You got money for a present? You' lucky im lettin' you live with me you drunken mistake."
    His stepfather seemed to always call Kai a drunken mistake because his original parents had been drunk when they brought Kai into the world. Kai's brothers were the stepfather's children, their mother had left the family and disappeared long, long ago.
    Kai had glistening white hair, and pale skin. His eyes were a magnificent blue.
    He was about 5 feet tall, 2 inches. Kai had an average 7th graders body. He was passionate and smart. Kai had felt as if him being born was a mistake made by god, and he shouldn't have been brought into the world. Tears would well up in his eyes when he thought if he really was just a drunken mistake.
    After Kai's 13th birthday was considered over, he went to bed. Not a single word to his siblings.
    As Kai laid in bed, with his eyes open, he could hear his other brothers snoring. Loudly.
    Finally, He managed to fall asleep.

    Kai was standing on a cloud. The sky a spirit like blue. Doves flew in the distance.
    Kai looked forward, suddenly out of the trance he'd been when he awakened in this dream land. As he looked forward, he could see a beautiful angel in front of him. Her hair a sunlight blond, Her eyes were of a brilliant blue. She wore a white corset, with gold embroidery. She wore a white miniskirt, Also embroidered in gold. It waved in the gentle winds. She stared forward, With a calm and tranquil look. Her feathery wings gently moving. Her golden halo, glistened with an angelic essence. Then, she began to speak.
    "Do you wish to go to the Sanctuary?"
    "E- excuse me?" Kai stuttered in awe.
    "I said, do you wish to go to the Sanctuary?"
    "I-i don't understand..."
    "The mouth of the just shall meditate wisdom, and his language shall be spoken in judgment. With the approval, the blessed shall receive the bliss of life.
    How Serene
    How Holy
    How kind
    The Sanctuary." The angel chanted in her blissful voice.
    Kai stared, not understanding the beautiful angel.
    "Please, just tell me what the Sanctuary is." Kai begged.
    "The Sanctuary... the place of happiness... the place of the truth... the place where the lies and pain melt away... the sanctuary..." She whispered.
    "Y-yes... I'd like to go to the Sanctuary..." Kai said quietly.
    "Are you sure..? There is no turning back." The angel replied.
    "I'm sure," Kai finalized.
    Suddenly, Two huge golden gates appeared behind the angel, and she faded away, her beautiful hair, to her feathery wings, faded into the distance. The gates slowly opened, and the light of heaven poured out. Kai slowly stepped forward, into heaven, into a new world, a valley of peace, an asylum of beauty, The Sanctuary.
    The next day Kai was found dead in his bed. He was in a better place, he was inside his Haven.

    Kai could feel the perfect temperature of this beautiful land beating on his skin. The clouds an angelic white, and the sky a simply magnificent blue. The array of flowers, a rainbow of colors to brighten the green plains. In the distance towering mountains stood.
    Doves could be seen flying in the skies, adding to the angelic essence.
    Kai began to run, he was laughing, he was crying. Crying tears of serene joy.
    The nightmare was over, he was in a dreamland. He wondered what had gone on back on earth. On earth, Kai's body had been cremated. His ashes tossed into the fireplace. Nobody cared, nobody cared he was gone. He was an ancient face the world had forgotten.
    Kai had now been in the Sanctuary about 4 months. He flourished. Over the days, Kai created a home out of the many colorful stones. It wasn't something expected from a boy his age either. It was a huge white structure, held up by angelic columns. Nobody could figure out how he did it. In his spare time, Kai explored The Sanctuary. It was a magnificent world that stretched for miles upon miles. Kai couldn't wait until he found it all. One day, Kai was laying outside his home late at night, watching the sky. Suddenly, a shooting star passed. Kai made a wish. He wished angels to inhabit this world, and to find other beings. He was granted. Many angels filled the lands, and Kai made many friends. The angels taught him many things, how to farm, how to fish in the beautiful lakes, and how to climb the mountains. Kai enjoyed a plentiful life of 5 years in the Sanctuary. But what Kai didn't know.. is that one cannot inhabit the Sanctuary forever. They need to make spiritual room for the next being.... One night, as Kai was watching the beautiful skies, he felt a gentle, strange feeling... It didn't hurt, it was almost calming. He felt suddenly warm, and felt like he weighed nothing. His eyes slowly closed, and he passed on, laying in that spot. His soul drifted up, and up, higher, and higher. Then, the two huge gates he remembered all those years ago were in front of him. They opened, and the light of heaven poured out. He could see a tall man, sitting on a giant white chair. His white robes glistened. And his halo glowed a brilliant white. He stared, "Today is your day of judgment, Step forward, Kai."
    Kai did as he was told.
    "You have not committed any sins. The top plain of heaven shall be your eternal place of rest. Rest in peace, Kai."


    I love random comments by the way! ^^