• *Two random young men in jester masks and jester cloths are in a toy shop stealing toys to give to poor children who have no toys to love.*
    Suddenly they are caught by the owner of said toy shop and his assistant as they walk into the toy shop to open it up for all the of the day's children.

    "Now just wait a minute there you two! Exactly what do you think you're doing stealing all these toys from the children?!" the assistant asked almost laughing as the two twins turned around and revealed their jester masked faces.

    "Yeah who do you think you are?" the toy shop owner asked trying not to laugh.

    The two young men suddenly turned and smiled at each other and began talking in their Irish accents.

    "He asked the question brother." one of the twins said joyfully

    "Indeed he did brother." the other said happily

    "Well we'll just have to tell him." the twins said at the same time.

    And at the same time in perfect harmony with each other the twins began to sing really fast.

    "Ooooo O, I'm Jester, I'm Joker and we think that you'll agree that you ain't seen nothing funnier thaaann we. Because you see my dear friend that though thieves we may be if you're sad we'll make you glad with our wonderful comedy!
    When ever people meet other people that are down and blue instead of trying to make um feel better they get sad too, but when we see them all unhappy we know just what to do!
    We make then happy we make them smile cause being gloomy and sad is just not what we do! And when we see a poor child with lots of tears in his or her eye we give a nice little toy so that they don't have to cry!

    The two owners just stared and laughed as the two twins did wonderful rolls and flip flops and other silly things as they continued their song.

    "We wish that we didn't have to steal but we have no other choice, for you see out there in the world the poor they have no voice, we only steal what they must need so we take it all with not greed.
    We give it all away ya see and we do it because it's best, what you don't need will plant a seed for what others need instead.
    Now we'd love to stay in chat away but really we must run, we hope you're not mad when really you should be quiet glad, when what we steal goes to the needy instead.

    With that they bowed and disappeared in a magical cloud of smoke. Oddly enough as the two thieves disappeared the two owners of the store didn't call the police or do anything to stop the two from leaving, they stood there with tears of laughter and awe running down their faces.