• It's night at the house. Tohru is standing outside and Yuki sees her. "Miss.Honda it's a bit late isn't it?" he says "Yea but I had to see the stars. It's such a clear night."says Tohru "Indeed it is a beautiful night." Yuki says as staring at Tohru thoughtfully. "oh great, he thinks I'm such a chatterbox I know it!"thought Tohru. "Miss. Honda."said Yuki. "hm.. yes?" she said. "You just looked so lovely in that dress." "oh uh..."says Tohru. "shhh don't be embrassed." She stares up at him. Yuki leans in to kiss her. "Bad idea" thinks Tohru. He kisses her and turns into a rat. *sigh*goes Yuki. "Oh don't worry about it." said Tohru. But Tohru has a warmth in her heart she can't explain. Could it be love heart ?