• It’s already been a week since Sydney and her sister Hannah decided to move in with us, and let me tell you, it’s been one interesting and tiring week;

    The “interesting parts” started as early as Tuesday morning when I woke up. I found myself blinded by something I could not identify. I try to sit up on my bed, but something was keeping my back glued to the bed. I turned my head to find that both Sydney and Hannah were holding on to me. I also found myself having difficulties breathing due to the fact that I was sandwiched in a... very uncomfortable spot of both their bodies. It was like trying to find my way out of a pillow fort.

    Then, as Dede and I were getting ready to leave the apartment, Sydney came out of the room fully dressed wanting to come to college with us.

    -Can I come with you? Please? She pleaded.

    -Not really since Marc-Andre, Allain, Dede and I were going to work on our project management project. I need to finish up the project plan and start my scene.

    At that time, our team had a somewhat slow start on the project, but we were still confident.

    Lunch time came, and, as a soon to be routine, Marc-Andre wanted to go eat out. I suggested A&W for their hamburgers. We all agreed to go eat. When we finally sat down to eat, Marc-Andre asked me:

    -You look more tired than usual Serge, something up?

    -Yeah I had trouble getting out of bed since I was pinned down to my bed like a teddy bear by our new “residents”.

    -Did the women that ask for you find you yet?

    -Yeah and they basically crammed their stuff into my room. Thanks for that by the way...

    -Man, they were hot and they wanted to see you! I couldn’t let them down.

    I took a bite out of my burger in spite, as it was not exactly the reaction I was expecting.

    -Wait, what? Asked Allain in confusion.

    -Two of Serge’s old friends came by to move in with us apparently answered Dede.

    -And they are smoking hot! Added Marc-Andre.

    -So why are you complaining Serge?

    -Because... because... I stuttered.

    I wasn’t able to explain why I wasn’t so pleased with Hannah and Sydney moving with us.

    -Dude, two hot chicks suddenly knocking at your door wanting to move in? That’s like a fantasy come to life! Added Marc-Andre once again.

    If only they knew the history behind Sydney and I. We were all done eating and went to EB Games where we found Tracy working the lunch our as usual. I like Tracy, she’s super nice, super cool, and perfect for her spot.

    -Hi Tracy! I said enthusiastically.

    -Hey guys! What’s up? She answered as we were walking into the store.

    -Ah nothing much, just came back from A&W.

    Allain went straight to the front desk to see if Midnight Club Los Angeles was released.

    -It’s here alright Allain, it has your name on it and everything!

    -Yay! Exclaimed Allain as he was receiving his long awaited game.

    Allain paid Tracy what he needed to purchase the game, we bid farewell to Tracy and were headed for the college while we were telling our new joke where one person, object, or creature tumbles down a hill to the song “Indestructible” by “Disturbed”. Since it was still too early to go back to class, we decided to go to our usual hang out spot at what we called the “comfy couch” since the couch that was there was surprisingly comfy. We were sitting down to talk and do what we usually do. But then, I saw Sydney down the hall. I figured she was obviously looking for me. I got up and said abruptly:

    -Well guys, I’m going to class.

    -Why? It’s only 12:30. Class doesn’t start in an hour mentioned Allain.

    -Meh, I feel like working on my 3D stuff I replied.

    It seemed that they haven’t seen Sydney at the end of the hall. I walked towards my class room hoping she wouldn’t see me. Fortunately she did not. I walked into the room, and logged on to my account as usual, opened up 3DS Max, and started working on a prop for my scene.

    I worked for almost an hour until Brian came into the classroom.

    -Hey Brian I saluted.

    -Hey Serge, what’s going on? He answered.

    -Nothing much, just working on my prop.

    -Aw ok. He paused for a moment then resumed talking. Did you know there was a girl looking for you around the school?

    -Really? I answered pretending not to know what he was talking about.

    -Yeah, she was asking people where you were. I didn’t bother answering since I wanted to go play DotA in the other lab.

    -Speaking of DotA, where’s Adam?

    -He’ll be here in a few minutes; he’s just finishing talking to Amy.

    -Oh alright.

    I turned to my monitor to continue working until I heard the door open. It was the instructor for the course.

    -Hey Jason I had greeted him.

    -Hey Serge, how’s it going?

    -Meh, kind of tired to be honest, but some 3D might wake me up.

    -That’s good.

    It was true though. This year, whenever I feel blue, working on my 3D projects always makes me feel better. If there was a time I needed some cheering up, it was today.

    2:30 had hit when I was beginning to talk to Luc. I was talking to him about upcoming games I was excited for.

    -A game I can’t wait for is Fallout 3. I loved Oblivion, so I know I’ll love this! I said to him.

    -I wasn’t that much of a fan of Oblivion, but Fallout 3 does look pretty sweet. I like how you can nuke a city at your leisure he answered.

    I agreed with him completely on that statement, since I found it really cool that you could do basically whatever you wanted in a mass wasteland that was once Washington DC. I was going to add something to what Luc had said, but I heard the door open to a familiar voice:

    -Is there a class here? Asked the voice.

    -Well, we aren’t really much what with there being only 4 people in here.

    -Is Serge here? She asked.

    I started to sink into my chair as I recognized the voice that entered the classroom.

    -He’s right over there, the instructor said as he pointed to my seat.

    I turned to my monitor hoping she would not have entered the class, but at that point I knew she already entered as I felt a rather violent hug behind me.

    -There you are Serge! I was looking for you all afternoon! Where had you been said Sydney as she was latching onto me with the force of a noose.

    I haven’t been this embarrassed since high school when some of the jackasses there would be, well, jackasses to me.

    -Sydney, I’m trying to work here... I said rather weakly.

    -I know! But I came here to give you some positive reinforcement! She argued.

    -But I need to work, and I need my arms so that I may move the mouse and type on the keyboard.

    -What are you working on anyway?

    -I’m working on a chalice for my cathedral.

    -Cool! It looks pretty so far!

    -It isn’t even near completion yet.

    I didn’t hear a word out of anybody else that day. I decided to head home earlier that day so that I could start my project.

    On Wednesday, I came home from the college to the smell of meat cooking. It was a very nice smell since I am a big fan of various kinds of meat. Sydney had been waiting for me, as usual, and I sat down in my chair in the living room. Dede had joined me in the living room and sat in the chair next to Sydney. She was talking to me I could hear, but I stopped listening to what she had to say since it sounded grossly uninteresting. I turned to Dede and asked:

    -Want to play some Brawl?

    -Sure! You going to go soft on me again?

    -Pfft! No way!

    -Euh, what’s Brawl? Sydney had asked.

    I had gasped.

    -Brawl is only the most awesome game ever made! Combining all of Nintendo’s all-stars, as well as Solid Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog, it’s a must play.

    -Oh, ok she had answered.

    Before I was able to put the disc in, Mai had already prepared supper for everybody, including Sydney and Hannah.

    -Here you go everybody Mai said as she served everybody our meal.

    Hannah took one bite of what Mai had cooked and stated:

    -Wow! This is very delicious!

    -I just cooked with spices and what I usually cook with.

    -Well it is delicious and you should keep it up!

    I looked over at everybody enjoying the meal, except for Sydney. She was enjoying the meal alright, but she was proud of it, since she was seeing me eating my supper with great delight. She was looking at Mai with, what I think was jealousy.

    The weekend came and I was staying in Miramichi. I was waiting impatiently for Fallout 3 so I kept playing games on the computer. Hannah was to, god knows where, and Sydney was, as usual, strapped to me. While I was playing Fallout one, Sydney asked:

    -Serge, who do you like better, me or Mai?

    -What? I had asked. I was not expecting that question. What makes you say that?

    -It’s just that you seemed to really like her cooking. Is it something special she does for you?

    -Not really, why?

    -I don’t know, it just seemed that you liked it a bit too much for it to be normal friendship.

    -Wait, are you saying that you suspect me and Mai... I didn’t bother finishing the sentence.

    Sydney was giving me a look that would normally make guys shiver in their pants, but that I found humorous. I simply cracked up laughing.

    -Hahahaha! Whew! Oh man that was classic! You think Mai and I like each other in THAT way?

    -Well, do you? She pressed.

    -No way! First of all, she’s with Dede. I would never EVER do that to him. Second, the reason why she cooks for both of us is that she loves us both, Dede as actual love, and I as friends, which is also why I let her stay here in the first place. That is a friendship I would never tarnish or consider trading for anything in the world.

    -Oh... She paused and looked away.

    I could tell she was sorry about the accusation, but that she was relieved at the same time.

    -So anyway, she said, what did you want to do today?

    -I don’t know, I guess just hang out here and do whatever.

    -Did you want to... maybe go out?

    -Euh... ok, where do you want to go?

    She jumped into the air.

    -I would like to go shopping and go eat out somewhere, maybe go see a movie!

    She tugged me out of my seat, not even giving me time to close my computer. I had barely put on my coat, when we were already outside, at my car, ready to go on, what she assumed to be but I haven’t clued in, a date...