• I lay on the ground, the same dream of the lake…….except now this peaceful dreamland of eternal happiness and without sorrow has shown unto to me my own personal hell, forcing me to look into my past….watching my mother and father getting murdered………and my beloved older sister shooting herself in the head as I walk into her room wishing to talk….suddenly it all stops, and everything freezes……the hell I just experienced and am clenched up to in fear has made me realize one thing, just one thing, my philosophy I guess you could say, Don’t trust anyone, get close to no one, never show them emotion, they will stab you in a place that will never heal……your heart.
    I slowly open my eyes to the bright blue sky, but then I remember some old vampire books I read that say not to stay in sunlight. I jump out of the way immediately. I look over to see Will leaning on a tree, “What the hell are you doing”, he asks. “I thought vampires couldn’t walk in the sunlight so I jumped away so I wouldn’t be the first vampire toast”, I reply. He narrows his eyes at me and says, “Hey dumbass it’s three o’ clock, you’ve been sleeping there in the sunlight for, oh I don’t know five hours. So let’s put one and two together, if that was true you’d probably be a burnt croissant by know, dumbass.”
    I clench my fists, glaring at Will, “I’ll show you a croissant you arrogant piece of”, I say getting in his face. Just before Will says a comeback Fox and Maddie come out of some bushes with pails of water, and what appear to be berries of some sort, and a person. I already could tell what the body was for so I didn’t bother asking. Fox throws the dead body to the ground and gives us each three needles. He explained to us last night that when we feed not to kill the human, because then the hunters would have an even better reason to kill us, plus vampires go by equivalent exchange, so if we kill a human they can kill a vampire so everyone loses in some way. So after hearing this I concluded that it’s best to just avoid humans, plus I’ve done that most my life so it won’t be that different, I’ll just be a blood thirsty killer.
    After we all filled up all our needles we set off on our mission again, but this time with our surprise guest. For most he remained silent but when Fox asked him questions he must have known that if he didn’t comply, well he’d not be seeing the hunters anytime soon. The man’s name was Michal and he was a scout hunter sent to do some recon when I kicked their asses.
    Fox decided it was time for a break so we sat by a tree, “So Michal can you tell us why you’re after the rouge General”, Fox asks sternly. Michal stares at him angrily, “That’s none of your business trash, and besides if I don’t say anything, you still wouldn’t kill me because of those stupid traditions of your anyway, so I’m carefree as a bird on this.”
    Fox narrows his eyes, “Is that so? Who said we had to kill you, we could just torture you until you beg us to kill you ourselves, then we won’t be blamed for it, because asked us to.” Michal stares at Fox, a petrified expression on his face. “So don’t go thinking you know everything about us and our customs got it?” Fox says as we start walking again.
    After thirty minutes of walking we reach a cave, Fox walks up to it and pats me on the head, “So, you think this is where our target is?” I look up at him, “Not sure, but…..I hope so, because the sooner we get this over the sooner we get rid of our “favorite” company.” Fox lets go of my head and we start our trek through the cave. After a while we reach a split in the cave, Fox stares at it for a minute, “All right, Dhark Will Maddie, you take the left path, me and this guild take the other.”
    When he finishes we all nod our heads and run through the path. We kept running for a while until Will said, “Hey doesn’t this seem a bit odd?” Me and Maddie looks over at him confused, “What do you mean?” Will stops at a rock and points to it, “Look, this rock has the exact same moss on it as the one we saw ten minutes ago.” Maddie looks at him, “Hey you’re right and since we’ve seen this rock a lot lately then that means-“, she says but is cut off by Will, “We’ve been running in circles...” Maddie and Will looks at me with a smirk when Will says, “Dhark, could you try to use your essence to try to free us?”
    I take a seat in front of a rock and make my shadow travel all through the cave. It took me a while to realize it but our visions were connected, and sure enough ten minutes later I found a seal on a wall and tore it off. My conciseness returns and we continue our trip. After a while we run inside a cave to see some lady on a throne. She gets up and walks towards us, “So…you’re the little brats who have been sneaking around in my lair huh?” We looks over and see Fox on the other side of the room, he sneaks up behind her and flings her into a wall. He looks at us worried, “So you guys actually made it here too huh?” we nod our heads, “Ok, get ready cause I think I just pissed her off real good.” We all look over to her rising body from the wall, but now half of her body has become pitch black.
    “What the hell is this?!” I say