• I was always different from the rest of my family. I will admit I think I blinded myself, maybe that’s why my brother hated me so much; I would smile so carelessly without a care in the world, now I realize how sickening it was and just maybe I wouldn’t have noticed that if this wasn’t happening to me. A few months ago I would have been peachy keen going on with my fake lifestyle, but little did I know my so called “careless life” would have come to an end and crumble right in front of me.

    It was a day like any other, waking up to the sweet and comforting aroma of mothers breakfast; pancakes, eggs, bacon, your typical American breakfast with a motherly twist. I slipped on a white tee shirt my mom had laid out for me along with another stack of washed, ironed, and folded clothes. I looked at the mirror in the bathroom and saw a boy with blondish hair gray eyes and fair colored, clear skin. I could tell there was a big difference in the way I looked. Neither my mom or my dad had blond hair or colored eyes. This really set me apart from them. My parents skin color was light but not like mine and the only reason it wasn’t snow white was because I played a lot of sports, and out in the sun.

    Then I thought of my brother, cute 9 year old curly brown hair and eyes. Sad to say he didn’t like me, whenever he was near me I could see the annoyance in his glare. A knock at the door finally brought me back from my thoughts. I splashed my face with water, stopped and looked at the mirror again. “Daniel! You’ve been in there for fifty years hurry up I “need” the restroom” I recognized the voice on the other side of the door, Zack my little brother, how much I envied him. “Daniel!” Zack’s voice sounded impatient now. I wondered how long I was in that bathroom.
    The door flung open. “sheesh, hurry get out! I need to pee and I’m not doing it in front of you.” He looked like them, my moms smile and curly hair, my fathers dimple on the left side of his cheek; dads light tanned skin color. Yes, he was the blessed child. I was always getting complements from our relatives saying how handsome I was but sometimes they would say how different I looked from the family, they never said it in a bad way but it did make me think and wonder if I really was in my mothers womb for nine months. “Get out!” Zack again brings me back “oh, sorry little guy I seem to be out of it this morning” I ruffle his hair. Zack scowls. “don’t touch me!”