• "Dude, this is so unfair" Elle pouted, pulling me into another hug.
    "You're telling me," I groaned. After all, I was the one that had to leave sunny California and head hundreds of miles to the middle of Freaking-Nowhere, Texas. Yeah, this was way unfair.
    "What kind of name for a town is Cornfield anyway?" Ellie frowned and I laughed.
    "Cornrowe," I corrected her.
    "What-eh-ver-r-r." She rolled her sky blue eyes. "It still sounds country." That's because it is, I thought but didn't say. Because I hated the name too; In fact, I hated the town, period. But now that my mom died, the Powers That Be had named my country-dwelling father as my legal guardian, causing me to leave all my friends to start a new life. Great.
    "Hurry up, girl!" My moronic stepfather beeped the irritating horn of his truck.
    "Good luck, Melly," Elle squeezed me one last time before I threw my suitcase into the bed of the truck and jumped into the cab. The Step-Moron didn't look at me, and vice versa. We were both shaken about my mom's death. I'd heard him crying in their-- his-- bedroom more than once. Even though he and I had never hit it off, I knew he loved her almost as much as I had.

    We'd been driving a long time, having left that dawn. We were only a few cities out of Hornton, the city just outside Cornrowe, and also the city where we were meeting my dad. And I was panicking majorly. See, I hadn't seen my father since I was about eight years old. It wasn't just because we moved to California when my mom met my stepdad, but everytime my father was around me, he acted all strangery and overly careful, like I was a walking time bomb. Because of this, I was never comfortable around him, so I had simply stopped seeing him. Or maybe he had stopped seeing me. Whatever.

    When I came back to reality, the familiar convienience shop was right in front of us. After we parked, I took my time getting my things. When I had everything and couldn't stall anymore, I walked to where my father was leaning against the building.

    Here we go, I thought.
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