• As I walked into the Fighting School I thought it was weird at first but after a couple of days I mastered shooting arrows but one day was different.A huge army of monsters attacked the school.I shot 500 monsters in a minute thats when they started leaving all of a sudden.That was weird.I said.It was Rei.said Moon.Well we might as well head for class before the teacher swears like crazy.I said.After school Moon and I went to the cafe for ice cream!The cafe was under attacked by that army of monsters again but they were stronger this time.I shot 1000 arrows at once which killed half the army then the army leader came.How weird a 10 year old can kill monsters.I started using light magic on the army leader.*&^^%$#^&^&(*&*).said Bryne. Wow Rei!said Moon.Bryne left but left blood on the floor.Im going home see you on Monday,Moon.I said leaving.Ok!said Moon.Mostly today was like an adventure of fun and killing.I thought walking home.Thats when I saw Moon with her friends.I was upset they must be talking about me in a mean way.I ran home.I was filled with anger but when Moon saw me she ran after me.REI WAIT!said Moon.I stopped.We were talking about you being s heroine its in the newspapers already!said Moon.I looked at the newspaper.Whoa they saw everything?!??!I asked.Yea and mostly your famous now Rei!said Moon.When I was sleeping Moon snuck in and put a bag of candy on my nightstand with a little card on it then she left.When I saw the candy bag I opened the card it said:"I wanna give you this for being my best friend Rei!"I was happy because she cared about me even if I am a heroine.