• Prologue

    A new life was all I wanted. I wanted to be somewhere. Somewhere away from him, my sad excuse for a father. Work here; go there. Punched here; and kicked elsewhere. Stay here; don't leave this exact spot.

    It was the exact same thing everyday. No one there --- a hideous place that I would never call my one and only home --- liked me. They all hated me. I was never loved. Heck, I didn't even know my own mother.

    It was, back then, I realized how pitiful my existance in this world was compared to everyone elses. Kill me now! Kill me now! were my only thoughts I had living in that disaster-like place.

    I don't even know how I managed to survive living there. I never ate (I was forbidden to eat anything). I never drank any liquids (Except for experimental uses).

    I was neglected, too. My father didn't care about me. He didn't even want me! He did everything he could to get rid of me.

    I hoped and prayed that I would be able to leave this dreadful place. It was, then, did my wish come true.

    But, it all started with loads and loads of people attempting to evacuate the building.

    Fields of mist, that reeked enough to make you cough if you inhaled it, filled the inside. The intense heat of the fog made some of the people faint. Even after hours, they wouldn't wake up.

    All I remembered seeing and hearing were people screaming, and an illumination. Shadows were casted down on me. The sweet scent of rain . . .

    Where am I? I had wondered.
    The environment: woods.
    The surroundings: trees covered an opening.

    I felt something that was hard and rough. The texture was unfamiliar. As soon as I knew it, I was in a log; in the woods.

    I was scared and helpless. . . until he came.

    That's where my story begins.