• I saw on my way home. I was out late and my curfew was soon. But i was stopped by his penetrating gaze. He stood, staring at me. I remembered him, even when i never met him. I called out instinctively "James!" I shouted. He stood tall and lanky, his twilight eyes watching me with a protective feel about them. Soulmate blasted through my head before i cold stop it. It was then i saw it. Two sharp fangs pointing out on he ends of his mouth. "Please, don't run" he said in a gentle voice. I knew i would never have run away. My heart was beating so fast, i could hardly breath. He began walking toward me, but i was not afraid, i did not run. He stopped in front of me, grabbed my shoulders and kissed. I was going to push him away when i suddenly left my body. Somehow, i knew exactly where I was, James's mind. "Sora, that's your name right?" he asked. "Yes" I thought. That's when it hit me, he could hear my thoughts. "Yeah" he said " So you realize I'm a Vampire yet?" he asked. "Aren't you supposed to keep that a secret?" I asked. He laughed, it was a sweet laugh. " Yeah, I am. But, you already saw my fangs, right? Bad mistake on my part." "Wait, Did you just say it was a BAD MISTAKE?" i asked. He grew nervous. "Not like that, not like that. It's just, now, you might get hurt" he said. "why do all Vampires say that? Even in books?" I asked. "because it's true he said. " I have one more question, Are you my soulmate?" It was a out-of-the-blue question, but he had an answer. "Yes" he said in almost a whisper. We returned to our bodys and looked up a each other. "I don't know how or why, but, I love you, James" I said. "I love you, Sora." he whispered in my ear.
    And so the adventure begins.

    The shows not yet over look for part two: Wolves Magic, to see more