• part one .
    he stared at me from across the room of our 5th pd class and all the while the only thing going on through my mind was "what the hell is his problem".
    first days were already rough enough with the guys calling dibs(if Ur lucky ) and the girls making judgments and bets about who Ur gonna sleep with by the end of the year. ugghhh high school. Pinegrove high wasn't my choice of school. i wanted to go to school on line. that way i wouldn't have to interact with anyone who lived in Canada. but my mom insisted on putting me through the "joy " of high school. i only agreed because she looked lyk she was gonna cry.oh whatever. i figured if i got to tired of the school i would ditch or get myself expelled. i was only here for 2 hours and already i wanted to shove a stick through my brain, , throw it to the teacher , and shout" its annoyed".
    i looked over at the sicko staring. he didnt even bother to look away . he just kept staring with those big gray eyes.i almost got lost in them 3 times now. yes im counting. i wouldn't even be weird-ed out if he had just looked away like any other guy would when u catch them looking at u.but he didnt. he just kept staring. maybe i should be flattered. he is handsome. he had black and green hair that fell lightly over his eyebrows,a black lip piercing, and plump pink lips that any girl would kill for. lyk i said he was cute. but why the hell was he staring. the answer never came only the bell. the teacher started to frantically yell the homework lyk all the other ADHD ridden teachers.the only response he got were a couple of "shut the hell up already "'s and cold shoulders. i looked around for the guy but he was already gone. must have left before i could notice.
    when i walked out of class a short bubbly girl came from behind me "hey" she screamed. "AGhhh" i screamed. i dropped my books all over the place making a huge scene "oops im sooo sorry im such a dope"she apologized. when i confirmed she was neither rapist nor serial killer with a gun. i began to think rationally. "oh its OK. just don't come up behind me lyk that from now on" i warned. she nodded." hey did u just come from 5th pd Mr. archer" i asked. curiously. she nodded "yup!" "do u need help cause that class is so easy" she was sweet i could tell "no i need information. did u see that guy with the green hair and the piercing/ why was he staring at me?" her happy face went away. she immediately began to look as if i pulled out a gun and demanded her money. "no " she answered quickly " but he was in there " i pressed " no " she screamed this time " you didnt see him and neither did i just leave it at that " then with a quick wave she walked quickly away. the rest of the day went on lyk that . when ever i asked of the guy everyone flinched away from me as if i had the plague. i had two questions but the end of the day. not what bus do i get on, or even what time should i come in for school tomorrow . but why was everyone so afraid of the boy. and should i be?