• The air hung damply around Spencer and Kyra. Quietly his arm wrapped around her and lays his cheek on hers. She turns to look at his face, but her vision is out of focus and she’s only able to see his right eye. In the clouded light, it shines a chestnut brown with dark flecks of chocolate. She notices the stray strands of blonde hair in his dusty brown hair. His cheek feels warm against hers and she gently places her nose into the soft flesh. Kyra turns to directly face him and he presses his lips to hers. Despite how they are positioned he edges his tongue into her mouth. She opens her mouth as he wraps his left arm around her back. She props herself up on her left elbow and drapes the rest of her arm around his waist. She pushes her tongue into his mouth, and their tongues collide in the center, forcing each one to go off to a side in the others mouth. She places her right arm on his neck. Their tongues explore each other’s mouths. She rubs her tongue over his gums and he does the same in return she repositions herself and he moves to comfort her. He rubs his tongue against her teeth, running it over her gums at the same time. She does the same, feeling the sharp and the smooth of his mouth. Slowly she moves her head to the right side of his face. He repositions himself to conform to her change. Their lips move together and when they pull apart Kyra buries her head in Spencer’s shoulder smothering herself in his jacket. She lays on him like that feeling fragile and delicate, like a strong wind could shatter her into a thousand pieces. For hours after the event she feels light and blissful, and wonders if he feels the same.