• Once was a dog named, Dirf. He was like any other dog.... But one thing stood out to his owner, Axel. Axel loved his dog so much. But one day, he noticed his dog rubbing his butt on another dog in a local park. The owner of that dog was mad. Axel apologized and promised that Dirf would never do that again. The nextd ay, Dirf and Axel passed by the same dog again, but infront of a library. Dirf had an itch that he HAD to rub his bottom on another dog, (especially if it is male.) Dirf was panicking. He had to but he didn't want Axe; to think that he had something wrong with him. So Dirf ran to the dog and rubbed his butt on his. The other dog felt violated and howeled sadly. The dog's owner got mad again and asked why was Dirf rubbing his tushie on his dog. Axel replied, ''I have no idea why Dirf is doing this, to be honest this is the second time I've seen him do this.'' Ottis, Scar's owner snarled ''We;; buddy, you better keep that mut of yours away from my dog or they will be trouble!'' Axel replied ''I'll try, and again, I'm sorry.'' Axel walked Dirf home and the next day, Dirf ran away from home looking for a male dog to rub his butt on. He found none. So he walked along the road sadly. A dog catcher was walking down the street with a dog net. He saw Dirf and caught him. He put Dirf in the back of the truck and drove to an animal shelter. He threw him into a cage and walked away. Dirf was howeling sadly. A man with a white lab coat came with a huge needle and said in a nerdy way ''Okay, little doggy time for you to go to doggy heaven.'' Dirf whimpered sadly. The needle was injected into him. He fell dead.....
