• Random Story Part

    The water hole steamed with intense heat as little fluffs of fog encircled its surroundings. Gentle breezes slithered by leaving nothing but a small draft fusing with the warmth. So with the scenery in view I ask myself; Why does the world seem so tranquil at this very moment? In this very place? Right before my very eyes? I had never seen such divine beauty and silence all in one since years, but then again, I get the feeling that, perhaps, this moment in time was meant to happen. Maybe, this very night would be the night that I would no longer carry the burden of regret in my heart. The night that would, hopefully, patch up all my worries and do away with the void hidden within my soul. But my head refused to accept the imaginary joy.
    I'm standing parallel with the spring and all I can feel is numbness rising from my soiled feet to the very tip of my marred lips. The wind's current is rising as I am an obstical misleading its straight movement while my hair nudges its self around my face. Slowly, I begin to loose my sight. My eyes are straining themselves trying to find a small gap, but all seems impossible. 'Am I hallucinating?' I begin to ask myself with a blank stare.  All I could see was a blurry figure to the west side of the water hole through the tiny peep holes. I could sense the presence of a being, but every time I angled my eyes, all disappeared. My lips seemed to simultaneously move as I stumbled my way to the warm water. Somehow my mind blocked all threats from entering my train of thoughts.
    The numb feeling had ceased to exist as I gently dipped my toes into the heat. The seren vibe of thick fog lifted my soul. Every breath I took in easily escaped the trap doors of my marred lips. At last I was at peace. I lunged my legs into the shimmering liquid as I thoughtlessly began to remove my tattered tunic. My arms dangled around my body as I lightly grasped my garnment and lifted it upwards exposing my feculent skin. I've waited days, maybe even weeks, to finally clense myself of painfull, and useless memories. I let the tunic float mindlessly in the water as I helplessly let myself sink in the filth.
    Humming, I begin to remember the days when my mother used to sing to me at night. I remembered all the times I would sleep in her powdered arms, and ask her to sing me a song. And everytime she would rhythmically whisper words of happiness and solitude into my ear. Thinking of my mother brought slight tears to my eyes as I started to snivle about the past. I let my tears blend in the water around me, almost forgeting that I too was still marinating in the moist atmosphere. 
    "Ligh-" I began to sing as water entered my vacant mouth. I'm startled, or am I just confused? I don't know, but all I can feel is water entering my lungs. Frantically I twirled underwater almost forgetting about the surface. 
    'What am I doin-' I thought to myself as I began to gasp for air. I could see little oxygen bubbles float around my pale face as I helplessly trailed behind them to the surface. I gaped my mouth open rapidly as I inhaled the fresh breeze gasping for more.
    Never again will I trust my past to incourage such ridiculous choices. That is, unless I'm not underwater dreaming of what could be. So there I am. Hugging my damp body while my feet wrinkle in the water. I let my head fall back followed by my hands reaching for my hair. I drown my hair with water and recline my self to my upwards position gentely pushing stray strands out of my face. I could feel the water trickle down my forehead, to the tip of my nose, past my scarred lips, and off the edge of my chin. But it still continued. It rolled down my body till I could hear and feel a suttle splash near my elbow. This was my Utopia. This was my home.
    I heard crickets play a rugged tune as midnight approached the spring. Stars dawned over me, the moon trailing behind, as sudden darkness filled the land. Beams of suttle light reflected off the calm water leaving me some sense of visibility, but no sense of protection. Every step was startling. Rocks and tiny Marine life would await my aching toes, as if to surprise my senses. Almost as if they knew I had to endure a midnight adventure, all for a useless garnment.
    It seemed like hours had passed before I had spotted this frayed material tucked between a few tree roots. Not only was I exhausted from the tiring search, but now I was begining to feel faint from the dramatic depth change in the water. The water never felt so inviting especialy at night, and it's hostile appearance never enhanced this feeling. Nevertheless, it was no option of mine to go after it or not, it was law. So then and there I went. I kicked my feet through moist heat as I neared the tree roots, my tunic... And an unexpected figure. My memory can only hold so much, and if I stand corrected, I do believe this was the figure from before. Somehow, up close, it seemed familliar. It seemed normal to glimps at this form.
    "Aurae..." a masculine tone murmured,"I've always wondered how many years it would take for me to stare into your elegant eyes."
    My ears stood alert, and this voice was no stranger, but then again, this tone was no friend.
    "Laurance," I replied as I shoved my tunic towards my chest with one hand while grippig the ledge of the spring with the other,"What are you doing here?"
    "I'm only here enjoying this beautiful view, on this beautiful night, with my beautiful 'jeune fille'"
    I rolled my eyes slightly as immediately quetioned,"You followed me here, didn't you? Even after you vowed to leave me be? You-"
    "Ahem," he stammered as he placed polished fingers under my chin,"I wouldn't essentially call it 'following' you." he gently tilted my head up wards,"More like chasing an immposible dream... And I do believe there is no law restricting me from doing so. Am I right?"
    "Yes, but..." as I spoke I noticed his glare. I wish Laurance's face wasn't so charming in the moon light. I wish his eyes would stop admiring mine. I wish he would realize I want nothing to do with his foolish being, but it seems so hard to resist.
    I could see his face waiting for a full responce but all I could do was close my eyes and think.
    "Laurance," I spoke as I nudged his hand away from my face, "as of now, and forever more, you have no place in my heart. No matter how many smart instigations you place upon me I will not tolerate your constant pestering!"
    I lied.
    "Please, just leave me be." I finally moaned. A young lady could only take so much, and he just makes me want to explode!
    "Aurae, you can't hold me back. You were destined to be mine." he whispered as his hands brushed againt my face with elegance.
    I ignored his obsessed words with an anoyed posture. "Why must you flatter me with lies?" I blankly questioned while hoisting the tunic over my head and onto my body. Frankly, I could care less if he stared. Laurance always had the tendancy to notice every detail of a being even in their most private moments. And as time passes, your mind seems to disregaurd the uncanny behavior.
    "As a highly respected prince, and extraordinaire chef, Its against my ways to spread such lies, especialy lies about perfection." his face never twitched, nor did it's color ever resemble a tomatoe when speaking words of adorance. Is this all a jest, or just a way to humiliate me?
    "Well then," I sighed, "would you mind helping a young lass out of water?" I arched my hands outwards towards Laurance's direction griping his hand.

    To Be Continued