• Imagine, if you will, a field painted red. What would cause such an anomaly? Listen, dear friend, and you shall hear a tale. A tale of two brave men whose ventures earned them their rightful place in the Pantheon of Heroes. A field painted red, barren, broken, and desolate. No life is contained within this area. Why? All life has been drained. A field painted red, crimson, blood. It is tragic to imagine, but it must be done. A field painted red, death, despair, and catastrophe. The wounded hearts of many cannot compare to the sadness felt at the scene here. A field painted red, bodies, corpses, people. Faceless and nameless to only those who didn’t know them, yet larger than life to the ones who did. A field painted red, loss, strife, the end of life. Yet, for just one moment, imagine one more thing. Two men, rising like a phoenix from its ashes, to help it all end. Impossible, you say? Anything, my dear friend, is possible.