• you have a dream. its night, in a blue forest. you dont know where you are but you walk. blue trees past you as if in slow motion. never ending it seems. until a clearing suddenly appears. you walk away from the trees and you see a girl. her back is turned and as you approach she turns. you gasp. shes beautiful, not model-like or from movies but someone you know youll love forever. you reach for and then......
    you wake up.

    the next day your on the bus, heading to work. and then she enters. the girl the one from your dreams. right there on your bus. she sits next to you. you look at her dreamily and say 'ive seen you before.' she looks at you weird then gets up and walks away. stunned, you sit there and watch her get off on the next stop. you dont realize till shes gone that your cheeks are wet with tears. 'youve let her go' someone says. you turn and see an elderly man. 'what do you know old man' you tell him. 'alot more then you my boy. alot more...' with tha he gets up and gets off the bus while you think of what youve done.

    at home later that day, you sit with a beer in your hand and several empty ones around the table. youve had enough. you get up drunkedly and head to the kitchen. you grab a knife holding it against you chest. then you plunge it in and fall to the floor, a warm red fluid seeping through your shirt. the darkness slowly but surely takes you....

    the day of the funeral, your family and friends are there...plus one more. she stands in the back quietly. the ceremony finally ends and the coffin is about to be put in. she comes forward with flowers and places them on the wood lightly. tears sreaming down her face she places a kiss where your face would be and whispers....
    'ive seen you before'