• The Nexus of Dreams
    Chapter 001:
    Shadows and Dreams

    "Everyone has questions that need answering, but you my dear, you must search them yourself"

    She was old, ugly and creepy, the only natural thing for me to do at that age was scream The guards surrounded me, and one of them held me in their arms, the others ran after the creepy old woman who had scared me, but she disappeared, a skill that takes time and practice, and some luck if in a crowded street.

    I'm not too young to say that I not understand what she meant, and I'm not too mature to understand the meaning of what she meant. I'm curious why she said it, and why me. Still I search for answers, just like she said.

    "As long as you keep your promise you may leave"

    It was scary, when we stared at each other straight in the eyes, everything else faded into darkness, as the three of us where the only ones left, none of us showed emotions. I simply turned my back and walked away, and I was glad no one try to stop me as I exited the gates of the castle that was once my home.

    "I promise I will come back" I whispered

    Their faces at the moment where burned into my mind, each memory I have of them had been replaced with that single moment in time.

    "Hey, Diana, which one should I buy?" My friend snapped me out of my daze.

    She held to dresses, "They look exactly the same, Mary, pick the one that fits best and done"

    Mary sighed, "This one is made our of pure Joan Silk" She gave the other one to me "That one is made out of 99.1 percent Somerian Sheep Cotton"

    "What;s the other 1.8 percent made of?" She ignored my question and snatched the dress back.

    "So one is silky and the other one you have to wash it more frequently. what's the problem?"

    She moaned as she stomped off to the merchant of the store.

    Mary, aside from being my friend, was my guardian, they protect you with their powers, each of them is unique, and not everyone has a guardian. Mary was tall, her skin was dark, she had long legs and black tattoos on her back and left foot, she swears she was 'born' with it.

    I sighed and walked after Mary. She was always wearing something different, as I had to wear a cloak and boots for some reason, Mary is very overprotective of me, though she doesn't like to admit it.

    "It's getting late, I think we should head back to the inn"

    One of the Suns was just on the horizon, the sky was starting to paint itself in orange and yellow waves, mixing with red, and from purple to blue. Merchants where starting to close their shops, and people started to leave the small town or head back to their homes.

    This town was small, in the sense that it never wants to become a metropolis, it was mostly inhabited by inn keepers, merchants and shop owners (yes, there is a difference) who happily invite any kind of tourist/by passer. It was one of the neutral grounds, where the only law was never to kill, and not to get caught stealing. Another thing was there was, is that no one could claim this land.

    "How long do we have to stay here?" Mary whined as she jumped in place on her bed.

    I looked at my compass that was one a keeper of time, a simple pocket watch, it was made out of long lasting silver material, gold rims and neo-gothic designs of bronze, it hung by a simple white string. The needle moved gracefully, back and forth, as it searched for north. I slowly closed it, and placed it in the night table beside my bed.

    "We'll have to search for more information, if we can't find anything, we'll leave before the next sunset.

    My cloak hung by the door knob of the double doors of the balcony, Mary had stopped jumping to listen to me before yawning and whispering a 'good-night' and snored softly.

    I leaned back and relaxed on my bed, the moon and it's companions of the night where twinkling one by one. The moon is the center of this universe, while the Suns are small satellites.

    Everything went silent, the sky was clear and the cold breeze reached your bones.

    "Don't think...Sleep" The wind whispered, my eye lids where heavier and my breath was slower.
    "Dream, Diana...La mia principessa" It's voice was suave, a hand slowly caressed my cheek as I closed my eyes.