• s**t, s**t, s**t, s**t! Night curses. He was running through the large abandoned building with Besayed on his trail. They were fighting with almost equal skills, Besayed attacking and Night dodging, but it was always Night that gets pummeled at the end because he refused to throw a punch at his dear teacher, the man that taught him everything he knows.
    “No matter where you run, you cant escape me!” Besayed bellows, knocking away boxes and other objects that block his path.
    Night was gripping his stomach which bled, soaking his shirt and pants. There was no weapons around to use, but Besayed still managed to make Night bleed by tossing him around.
    They ran through an open door that led to another big room. This one was pitch black. It had no windows to shine light or any other light sources. Even the thin light from the door didn’t enter.
    “Come out, come out, wherever you are” Besayed sung, looking around, grinning.
    Nothing moved; or if something did, then it couldn’t be seen or heard. Night hid in the depth of the darkness. He covered his mouth to silent his heavy pants. Besayed stood as a silhouette at the doorframe. Night may be able to see him now, but once he moves inside, he’ll blend with the shadows.
    “Ready or not, here I come” Besayed walked inside and disappeared.
    Night slowed his breathing and made it quieter. His eyes scanned the area for a hint of movement, but it was impossible. There’s nothing to protect him now. He’s going to die and never come back.
    Death, to die without another life waiting for you at the end. I wonder what that’s like. Night was an eternal soul. Dying wasn’t something he experienced throughout his lives.
    There was a loud boom far away. Night could hear the wall broken as its remains crumbled to the floor. Besayed is blindly throwing punches. He doesn’t care for being silent to find Night anymore. He’s letting himself be heard.
    Another wall got punched, then another, and another. And the more he punches, the louder it is because he’s getting closer to Night.
    “I never liked hide and seek” Besayed says, throwing another deathly blow to the wall. “Never, even as a child” another punch. “So where are you, Night?” another punch. “Where…are…you”
    Night could feel Besayed breathe on his face. Still, Night didn’t move. He hoped Besayed would move on to another area, but he wasn’t going anywhere. He just stood there like a statue.
    “Found you” Besayed wrapped his hand around Night’s neck and lifted.
    He tightened his grip, choking Night. Night struggled to pull apart Besayeds hands. It was too strong of a hold to get loose. His legs thrashed and kicked beneath him.
    “The poor, weak soul,” Besayed grins. “You are pathetic. There was a time I thought you were great, how foolish I was. Coward” he spat at Night. “You don’t even fight back”
    Night clenched his teeth with anger. He was being spoken to like a fool. And Besayed was right—he wasn’t fighting back.
    Fight back, fight back!. Night raised a fist but couldn’t manage to make a blow. He can’t hurt Besayed. He just can’t.
    “I’ll meet you in the afterlife” Besayed’s laughter was that of a madman. And then, in one final squeeze, he had snapped Night’s neck and killed him.
    He had done it. After all these years, Besayed had finally sent Night to the other world. He let go and Night’s corpse fell to the floor like a rag doll.
    “I did it…I did it” Besayed’s smile widened, stretching inhumanly from one ear to another.
    It wasn’t normal. His lips cracked and bled. The long scar on his face ripped open and was peeling, the other skins following along. It revealed dead green and grey flesh, molded and furry.
    The life potion had ran out and he was receiving the consequence; dying a painful and slow death. Besayed could feel the pain nice and clear, but he wasn’t showing it. He was grinning, eyes bulged, because of the happiness of achieving his goal.
    The blind right eye drooped out of its socket. Gold liquid swam out of the empty hole and down his face all the way to the floor. That was the life potion liquid coming out. It’s trail was a burning acid.
    Besayed fell to his back, staring up at nothing but darkness. His body was burning and steaming from the acid. It made his skin roast into a horrifying crispy red. His skin peeled to his hands. When you look at him, you see a man getting cooked alive after being skinned. His blood drenched the concrete floor.
    “I killed him…I killed him” Besayed says to himself.
    The acid was turning his body to ash. The gold liquid was swarming around him like a bug, choosing which place to burn. It smoothed its way up his chest, the tip sharp like a dagger as it pointed to him.
    The liquid stabbed to his heart and flowed inside, taking over its form. The original heart went crispy before it died away.
    “—killed him…” Besayed whispers his final word. His head drooped to the side, dead.
    part 9