• Ugh. When did I pass out and what the hell just happened? Popped into Armageddon’s head as consciousness returned to her. But then annoyance coursed through her veins as someone kept prodding her with sharp finger nails. Her eyes snapped open as she half yelled, “what?”
    “You’re finally up!” a little girl of no more than ten giggled as happiness radiated off of her. Bewilderment grasped Armageddon as she stared at this creature that was even odder than the albino. Before she could say anything the girl bounced up, snatched Armageddon’s hand and pulled. “Come on! We’re gunna be late you slow poke.”
    “L-late? Late for w-what?” Armageddon stuttered out as she was dragged to some unknown place. The landscaped mashed together as the two girls ran, at unbelievable speed, to their destination.
    “The meeting of course! If we’re late we won’t know what’s going on.” The girl laughed again, sprinting even faster than before. Then in a twinkle they appeared in front of a small meeting house. The walls looked to be made of light wood with one window on either side of the short door. Bowing, Armageddon entered the building to find a meeting beginning. With realization and shock she watched and listened as the speaker began.
    “Welcome everyone, old and new participants, to the Anam Triail.” The albino serenely greeted. “I will be your proctor this term. If you need me for any questions I will always be in town or you may call me. Everyone please take out the purple crystal in your right pocket now.” The entire group, except for a select few, groped inside their pockets and produced a medium sized Amaranth purple crystal and held it out before them. “If for any reason you need my assistance you may use this crystal to summon me. Any questions so far.” She paused for only a moment and continued when only coughs echoed in the silence. “Now to the more important details. Your duration here will be roughly two months, depending on what happens to you individually. Every day or two you will be given a mission to complete for the day, everyone’s mission is different depending on where they have come from. You do not have to complete the mission on that specific day, but remember if you fall behind that may result in you failing or losing. So here is my recommendation to you… try to complete the assigned mission in the time frame or you will most likely fall behind. Some missions may be easy to you while others may not, but also remember that every mission gets harder so do not slack off.”
    What hell is she talking about? Is this like some sort of game or something? And what happens if we lose? Armageddon was lost as the Proctor started to explain what was going on. All the information she was receiving was whirling around in her head like dogs chasing cats. She was utterly confused and waited for the Proctor to continue.
    “There are three possible outcomes. If you win then you will return to yourself, on your planet of origin and you will be free to live as you please. If you lose then you have two choices either participate in another session or wait until your time is up. Then there is the chance that you may fail. If you fail then you die, no if’s, and’s, or but’s. Do not play around and think this is just fun and games because it is not. Your very life’s are on the line and if you fail that will be the point of no return. Does everyone understand?”
    A murmur of agreements rippled the small room as Armageddon’s head whipped around with puzzlement corrupting her eyes. I still don’t get what’s going on? My life’s on the line…since when? Then one voice broke through and asked, in a heavy accented voice, “How do I know my body’s o.k? I mean I may be here but what’s my body up to?” then shouts erupted with similar questions. The room became boisterous and rough shouts vibrated off the walls causing Armageddon to wince in pain and the little girl with her to hide her face in Armageddon’s stomach.
    The Proctor raised her hand to silence the crowed, then once all was silent she began, “Your body’s are in the care of someone worthy of your trust. For many of you one of our… people talked to someone to care for you until your outcome occurs. For those of you who are new I will explain this… you are no longer whole. From the moment you entered the Anam Triail you were separated into your body and your soul. The only thing keeping you linked to your body is a single thread. Look on your person now and find a red ribbon or string. That is your key to returning to your other self. If you fail the ribbon disappears never to be reassembled, if you lose you have until that ribbon frays to nothing to return home, and if you win then that is the thread that will bring and bind you to your body. Another warning your body is in the care of another, therefore they also have control over that lifeline. If for some reason your body is harmed or killed then the ribbon will fall apart and you will fade. As rare as the latter is, it has happened. A cruel reality, but reality nonetheless. That is all for today, you are dismissed. Good day.” Then she gracefully exited from center stage and disappeared from sight.