• "AAAHHHHHH!!!" The helpless woman cried desperately, feeling down the wall for a chance to escape, as the slow moving, brainless, monster fumbled its way toward her. As though from heaven, suspenseful music began to play. As the creature crept closer and closer the music became more and more intense, until the monster reached its frantic prey and the music climaxed-

    "Turn that damn thing off, Zoey, unlike you I actually care about my future," Rita said, looking over at her roommate, who was sitting at a cheep desk, gazing into a black and white screen.

    "Hey, ******** you, I made my choices, I'll agree they weren't the best, but if you want to study go do it in the library, that's what it's there for," Zoey said, squeaking her chair around to meet her friends worked up glare.

    "Tsh!" Rita grunted, gathering her books up before leaving the dorm room.

    "Yeah, you go tsh yourself, I'm sure the other nerds will love it," Zoey said turning back to her movie, which she spent the next forty minutes watching.

    As she checked her alarm clock, which read 12:00, and reached for another movie she realized that maybe her roommate was right, and unless she prioritized she would have no future. She reached for her backpack at the side of her desk to find that it wasn't there, and realized that it had been forgotten at her friend's room the night before. Groaning, she dragged herself from her desk and trudged down to the opposite end of the hall.

    After a seemingly endless trek, Zoey finally reached her friends room. It had an otherworldly emptiness to it, with no signs of life, and no neighbors to shine in the light.

    "Sarah! Saraaaah!.. Sarahahahaha! Open the damn door!" Zoey bellowed, her back hunched forward and her arms drooping inanimately. "Oh darn, no one's home," she said, turning away with the pleasing knowledge that she had an excuse not to do her homework. She was in mid-stride when a sudden, overpowering urge took over her, and without any consideration, she threw herself at the stagnant door, bursting into a dark, empty room. Zoey continued to call for her friend, until a flash of lightning revealed a pale, featureless figure hunched against a wall.

    Turning on the overhead light Zoey said, "Goddamn woman, I thought you had actually fallen asleep! Well, either that or-hey, you okay Sarah?" Zoey watched as her friend slowly turn to face her, revealing a pair of empty eyes. "Well someone had too much fun last night," Zoey chuckled, looking over at an opened crate surrounded by empty bottles. As Zoey went to investigate the overturned wooden container, the dark figure hissed and lunged at Zoey. With no time to react Zoey was forced onto the ground by her animalistic attacker, frantically struggling to free herself. After a short, fruitless, struggle Zoey grabbed a drained bottle and smashed it over her ravenous friend's head. Barely fazed by the blow the glass scarred face flashed Zoey an angry glare, and readied herself for another lunge. This time Zoey had time to roll out of the way of her relentless attacker, and sprung to her feat. Changing tactics, Zoey's savage foe began rapidly swinging her arms at the defenseless student, when Zoey grabbed an unused broom and plunged it through her attacker's chest. Again unfazed by a potentially fatal blow the creature ripped itself away from the broom, knocking Zoey to the ground. Zoey then knew what had become of her friend, and she released a shriek of both terror and joy as she plunged her weapon into the zombies head.

    Limply, Zoey returned to her dorm room from her major struggle with the foe of her dreams. It wasn't until she quietly slunk back into bed that she began to consider the possibility of an epidemic rise of zombies. But for now, she was still alive.