• I was conscience at around 5:00 according to my phone that had no connection. I decided to face death and just gave up my struggle. I lay down under the bed and laid still with the hope that the sickness wouldn't spread through my body too quickly. I wondered what kind of sickness it was. Millions of names ran through my head and I was dizzy again. "Just let yourself die peacefully..."
    It was 8:00 when I had the worst migraine ever. I was about to fall unconscience again when the door banged open. "Who could that be?" I thought.. I saw a figure and it yelled,
    "Farrah! Is that you?!"

    It was David.

    I was so happy for a moment and smiled, but the sickness apparently spread through my body because I wasn't breathing normally. I wheezed to get air but it didn't come fast enough and I was light-headed. I started coughing and fell over.

    "Farrah!" David yelled. He ran up to me and set me up against him. He was hugging me and asking if I was alright. The last words I heard were, "I;m so glad you're okay..." Then I couldn't handle not breathing well enough. I chocked to show him I wasn't okay, then set my self to sleep.
    "Farrah??" Are you..." David began. "Oh no... David thought.
    He gave her the sickness??!! That b*****d!" David picked up Farrah and ran back out of the factory. The rest of the group was outside waiting for him.
    "Hey David is she okay?" Micheal asked.
    "He gave her... the sickness..." David whispered. The girls gasped and Anna ran to get Farrah.
    "Let me handle her, I'm the immune one." Annabeth said. David set Farrah on the ground for Anna to examine.
    "Look away guys." Annabeth said.
    "Haha, darn." Neko played. David whacked him on the side of the head and they all turned around. Annabelle then took a key from her bracelet and unzipped Farrah's coat. She unbuttoned her shirt and stuck the key into a hole in Farrah's chest. She turned the key as if she was unlocking something and Farrah stirred.
    "Mmm... Where...?" Farrah started. But then she was interrupted from violently coughing.

    "Are you okay? The sickness hasn't completely set did it?," Annabeth asked. I looked around and saw my jacket and shirt unbuttoned.
    "KYAH!?" I screamed. Annabeth and the girl started laughing as I hastily zipped up my clothes. I felt dizzy and sick, like I was gonna throw up.
    "Farrah!" David exclaimed. He ran up to me and patted my back.I felt a bit better, but was still sickly and strained so I went back to sleep.

    "O-oh. Farrah!"
    David picked her up and they all walked back to the neighborhood.
    "Thank goodness Farrah is alright, thank you David!" Farrah's mom exclaimed. "Thank you David!"
    "You're welcome Mrs. Nakamura," David said, "but can we take her for a few minutes, she's safe."
    "Of course David!"
    The four of them ran down to David's house with Farrah hanging onto David's back.
    But then, there was a man in front of his house. He said,
    "Hello, Davey, I found you." -----
    Then he took out a gun, and pointed it straight at David.