• 200 years ago, it was prophesized that two dark angels would join the ranks of angels and demons, the most skilled casters of ice magic in history, and the only ones who would defeat the Black Killer, a fire demon who threatened to wipe out the world, humans, demons, angels alike....

    Today, they will join us in this world...

    "She's beautiful."

    "I know, love, but she's forbidden. We'll be killed once we get home."

    "I understand. I'm sorry I've brought this upon you, Jonathan."

    "Well, there's nothing we can do about it now."

    Alexina Bateman leans up to kiss him a final time, before he beats his wings and flies towards his death...

    14 Years Later

    "Yo, Tanya! There's our champion!"

    I walked through the school gates and was greeted by a mob of guys, along with my best friend, Kyrra.

    "Jeez, Tanya, you're famous," Kyrra teases. "Not only are you champ of a school, but you're the champion of SilverStone! SilverStone Academy of all places! Most people would be happy just to be in an elite school like this!"

    I laugh self-conciously.
    "I just got you the wrestling championship, that's all."

    "And the volleyball championship." Jake Crowley adds. "The Academic Challenge. The track and field championship. And don't mention the Science Fair."

    Shane Watson pats me on the back. "Don't underrate yourself, Rodriguez. You're golden, girl."

    "She's also drop dead gorgeous," Jake mutters.

    I pull my backpack strap higher on my shoulder and keep walking, embarrassed. I've always been unnaturally good at everything I tried since I was born. Not that I ever knew my parents. I'd been living with Jaqueline and Kevin Rodriguez as long as I could remember, and they were as good as parents to me.

    My foster mom said that I always walked, talked, ran, jumped, learned everything before the other kids my age did. I considered my self a bit of a freak, but ever since I started high school, my alien talent had proved itself useful many, many times. I was the envy of all other girls, and I was inhumanly perfect in the eyes of everyone else.

    Later, I found out really, what "inhumanly perfect" meant.

    I dropped my books on my desk, next to me, an empty chair. My science teacher figured I didn't ever need a lab partner. I was too good in every subject. That day though, I met Desmond.

    He surprised me when he arrived, sitting down in the chair beside me silently, without the slightest sound.
    "What the - "

    He looked at me and gave me a perfect half-smile.
    "Tanya Rodriguez, I'm guessing?" He extended his hand. "Desmond Kyokoshima."

    I swallowed, and took his hand, which was smooth and cold.
    "I've heard a lot about you, Tanya."
    I'm taken aback, and I take a moment before asking, "You have?"
    Desmond flashes a stunning grin and says, "Oh yes I have. Is it true that none of the males have ever beaten you in any sport?"
    A smile pulls at the corners of my lips. "Oh, yes. It's true."
    He chuckles. "Well, no girl has beaten me in any sport. Ten bucks?"
    My smile widens. "Bring it!"