• Cheyenne kept walking and watching people stare at her until she came upon a 7/11 convince store. She slowly lowered her hand down to her stomach and felt a rumble. She tried to remember the last thing she ate. The closest she came was a few hours before she found herself in that strange bed. She padded the outside of her back pocket to ensure that her wallet was still with her. Sure enough there was something back there that could be non-other than her wallet. She made her way across the dirt path that was in front of the store.
    She entered as the automatic doors slid open. She walked over to the pastry counter. She had a problem with sweets. She wasn’t fat, thanks to her metabolism, but she certainly wasn’t the first pick in gym class.
    She wondered around the store looking at other things, getting hungrier by the minute. She noticed that the staring didn’t cease. Something about the way they stared un-nerved her. They didn’t stare like she was a crazy person out in the middle of winter without a coat on, which was pretty much true, they stared like she was the most revolting thing they’ve ever seen.
    They glared, sneered, cowered. Pretty much, if looks could kill, she would have dropped dead right then and there. She ran her fingers through her hair and chewed on the end a bit. The people kept up their “looks of death”, it nearly drove her out of her mind.
    Cheyenne had an urge to get up on one of the counters and scream: “WHY DO YOU PEOPLE KEEP STARING AT ME?!” But these people obviously already thought she was a freak, and that probably wouldn’t help much.
    She grabbed a bag of Jolly Ranchers and walked up to the front counter. She looked to her left and saw that everybody was quietly rushing out the door. She looked back to see the cashier backing away from the counter, giving her that look of fear. “Excuse me, is something wrong?” She said half annoyed.
    The cashier flipped out. He jumped over the counter and ran out the door.
    Cheyenne was left alone.

    Kyler drove down the streets looking for any sign of a coatless girl who would look like a freak out there in the middle of winter. He looked for lack of people on the streets and in their yard, or perhaps a bunch of people running away from one particular direction. He drove around for a couple hours and still no luck.
    He wondered if she was still in town, or if he should go check the forest. After all, that’s where he found her the first time.
    His phone began to ring and he pulled it out.
    “Hello?” The person on the other line spoke. “No luck. I don’t think she’s running around in the suburban area. I was going to try the woods.” The person spoke once more. “Yeah, whatever Felix.”
    He hung up the phone, and drove towards the woods hoping to find her before it was too late.

    The sun was starting to go down as Cheyenne pulled a cheese cracker out of her pockets. She had a little bag full of goodies she had stolen from the store. It wasn’t her fault that they left her alone, and that bad habits from a few years earlier had returned.
    She wished she had a flash light for when it was going to get darker. She thought it should have already been darker, with the sun passed the horizon, but she didn’t think anything of it. She just continued through the night, setting up the tragic events that would set her fate for life.

    She had been walking for quite awhile. Her feet were almost frozen via to walking through to many puddles on the side of the curb. She kept on walking until she entered a dark part of what ever city she was in that gave her the chills. The houses were something that you might find in a horror film. They were all dark colored and they were worn down.
    Despite the creepiness she continued to wonder through.

    Twenty minutes later Cheyenne was still walking, but she had the feeling that she wasn’t alone. Whenever she turned around nobody would be there. She kept walking and looking back at random times so that if somebody WAS following her, they would be caught off guard. Nobody was ever there.
    Every so often she would hear a noise. Where ever it came from, she would go the opposite direction. She heard something to her right, she would go left and vise versa.
    Then, there was a big crash behind her. She whipped her head around, but saw nothing but a garbage can in the middle of the street eight feet behind her. She stood there frightened as hell. It wasn’t there before. She had passed right over that very spot, and there was no garbage can even close to there.
    Cheyenne came up with two options. One: somebody that lived in the sky was taking out their trash, and dropped a tiny black can from their office, or two: Somebody WAS following her, and there were no people in the sky.
    She stood there staring at it. Then she started to walk towards it. If there was somebody there she could just punch them in the face and beat them up. She didn’t know karate or anything, she was just a button masher.
    As she approached the tiny black can, something in the bushes moved. She froze. She could hear everything around her now. She hoped with all her heart that there was only a cat hiding in the bushes next to her, but there was heavy breathing. No cat she knew off could breath that loudly.
    She couldn’t take it any more.
    She ran.
    What ever was in the bushes, was now chasing her down the street. She kept her mind on running. Up ahead she could see a dead end. She glanced around, looking for other passages, but there weren’t any. The wall at the end of the dead end must have been at least seven feet tall, and she figured that if she ran at full speed she could hoist herself over it.
    The closer she got, the bigger the wall got. With every step she was less certain she’d make it. She had greatly underestimated the wall, but she still had no doubt that she couldn’t make it. She was a real hard head.
    She kept on getting closer. Ten feet, five feet, one. She jumped. She could feel her hand touching the top of the wall, but it wasn’t enough. She ran on the wall getting higher and higher. But then, she could feel herself losing strength.
    She was almost there. YES she thought to herself, then her grip loosened, and she fell to the cold, hard asphalt below. She turned around to see the person only a few feet behind her. She screamed and curled in a ball. She waited as the person approached her, and she prepared for the worse.