• I opened my eyes wearily. It was another rainy day. Rain fell, making a soft rythem on the roof. I got off my bed and put on my split hakama, and then my kimino with elbow length sleeves. I softly yawned as i brushed my firey red, blonde and black hair out of my blazing red eyes. I slipped my katana sheath onto my belt, slipped on my black fingerless gloves, and then slid the door open. The rain pounded harder. I stepped outside and felt the rain evaporate as soon as it touched my skin. Water on the ground turned into steam as I walked. I couldn't help but to feel, relaxed, maybe even soothed as I walked. Which was other odd for me, since I much prefered sunny and hot days. Those where days where i felt more, energenic.
    I walked softly over to a stone bridge resting over a small stream. The rushing sound of a waterfall mixed with the sounds of the rain. It was very relaxing. For once, I was fooled that my life would be at peace at last. I seemed to have forgotten all the effects that war had put on me. It was for those few seconds that I let my gaurd down. A shadowy figure stood behind me, I never even noticed him. That is, until he pulled out a wicked scythe. I heard the soft thud that the scythe made when touching the ground. My first instict took over and i grabbed my katana, the hilt felt warm to my hand. I pulled it out of my sheath and turned around and glared at the shadow. He wore a dark grey skull mask, that had sharp teeth and fangs.Through the mask, I could see his evil, soulless black eyes. The shadow reminded me of something, I just couldn't put my finger on it.
    The shadow made the first move while i wasn't focusing. I saw the attack comming however and ducked, right as the blade passed over my head. I felt my heart started to pace faster. How could I have been so stupid? Now is not the time to think, now is the time to focus! I made a quick obvervation and then lunged at the shadow's heart. The shadow grinned behind his mask and knocked my sword away with his hand. I swore. If someone could knock away one of my lunges, with his hand, that was not a good sign. The shadow grinned even more, then charged at me, swinging his scythe back and forth, like he was possessed by a demon cutting creature or something. I took a deep breath, and waited for him to get closer.
    The shadow made a yell, and then tried to slice my head off. I ducked, right as the blade passed over my head. I found myself breathless. This is the second time I had been lucky, the only queston, how long would it last? I kicked the shadow in the face, knocking his mask off. That was when i first saw the face of death itself. The eyes of hate, staring into my face, looking into my soul. I took no time at all to try and slice the shadow in the chest. The shadow looked at me and just simply caught my sword, as if it were a play toy. Blood trickled down his hand, down his arm, and onto the ground. The shadow snickerd, and then spoke "you realy think i would die that easily? Did you seriously think, you could kill a shinigami like me with a pathetic slice like that?"
    I pulled on the sword. I was defenceless. I looked around me, the river running, the rain still pouring, still evaporating on my skin, causing a light steam to surround us. Lightning lit up the sky, followed by the rolling of thunder. I took a deep breath. I could die like this, or i could die trying to escape. I looked back at the shinigami and bowed down. The shinigami smiled. "now you admit defeat? that's a good boy" i looked up at him "if you seriously think i'd bow to an idiot like you, you've just proven you more stupid!" The shinigami's eyes opened up and i twisted my body and kicked him. My sword fell next to the shinigami. We had both released it. Blood ran down the shinigami's mouth. Right where i kicked him. The shinigami doved for my sword. I just stood there, smiling. he must realy be dumb to grab my sword. The shinigami grabbed the hilt, then yelled out in pain, his hands were singed badly. I pulled out my dagger, and ran up to the shinigami, and slit him in the throat. I ducked as blood poured out of him, grabbed my sword, put it in the sheath, and ran. Only one thought in my head: Why send such an idiot to kill me, let alone, who wants me dead?