• In the wild, wild west in New York. There is a soldier named Woodie. He was more of a general than a soldier. He was the baddest of the bad, the best of the best, the wildest of the wild and he was only 14. He was so good he had millions of ascetic fanatics, so fanatic that adults were starting to name their kids woodie! He was known for his most famous battle and his most famous ruse the drop-shot. The drop-shot is a trick when you drop to your stomach while aiming down your sight to kill an enemy usually with a sub-machine gun. In his most famous battle, the battle was at Pripyat, Ukraine, he was with his squad the Charlie Oscar Delta. He was approaching a Spetsnaz camp, with his M40A3 sniper ready in hands, as he lay prone with his squad. The Spetsnaz was beleaguered by the Charlie Oscar Delta squad. They took fire on the confused Russians. A full clip of the sniper rifles were used, and woodie and men were rushing down the hill with their SMG’s. They finished off all of the spetsnaz soldiers except for one, he pleaded to woodie that he’s an allies. Woodie looked at him, and shot him because he looked like a spectsnaz. He then found out he’s the president son. Woodie remorse the idea as the president, with silhouettes body clear in the scope, shot him on live television for his decision. Woodie was disgraced among his people.