• " HEY DONALD DUCK HARHAR!'' the gangly, blonde, acne- covered sixteen- year- old boy scoffed.
    Donnie just continued sketching the blackbird he dreamt about last night on simple notebook paper. He decided this idiot just wasn't worth his time.
    “Hey, man, I said HEY. Whatcha drawing, your mom?!''
    “Go away, imbecile." Donnie said curtly.
    “Ooooh 'imbecile' wow, so hurtful!'' Chad retorted sarcastically.
    “I’m sure you have no idea what that even means. Now go drool over someone else."
    Suddenly Chad growled, and he pushed Donnie out of his desk. “AT LEAST I DON'T WEAR MAKEUP! AT LEAST I DON'T SIT IN A CORNER AND CUT MYSELF!" He started towards Donnie again, but then stopped in his tracks when he broke into a devilish grin. "Hey... what's so funny...?" Chad was growing uneasy as Donnie's smile grew wider, his black hair hanging like a curtain over his eyes. A black aura surrounded him and he got up slowly. The dark smoke-like substance surrounding Donnie curled around Chad. And he killed him, much to the class and Donnie's horror.

    And he ran through the halls abnormally fast, knocking down unsuspecting students along the way, and out the door he went, all the way home. There he looked in the mirror. He was shrouded in a cloud of black, and his hair covered his eyes. Somehow, in his anger, he'd gotten some emo super power? Nah, couldn't be... that's stupid... But he knew it was true. Caught in the moment, Donnie decided he needed a new look too. He dressed in black skinny jeans and his favorite Jack Skellington T- shirt, now realizing that his mouth resembled his. He put on heavy black eye makeup and pale powder covering his whole face, and he drew a black star around his eye (Donnie thought it looked cooler). Seeing this new look, he forgot all about his guilt in killing Chad. Yes, he was now ready to fight crime. Against idiots and preps.