• It walks through the night, lighting it way to the houses by its luminous lantern. The hook that shines sharply from the brightness glistens at the top of the reaper's lantern pole. No words escape the reapers mouth. Only silence. Its floating body was led into a quaint room without any fear nor excitement. Not too shabby. Yet not too nice. And on the bed laid a small little boy, his cheeks puffed out red and shining softly in the small light that the reaper's lantern gave off. His lips pressed open a bit, coughs escaping. He was sick. Very sick. Pneumonia it was. As silent as the reaper may be, even children can sense it. The small boy's eyes opened, staring helplessly up at the dark figure leaning over him. Where the eyes should be on this reaper were missing, only black empty holes. The reaper let out a snicker as the boy glared up at him, getting ready to scream. It raised it sharp hook, raising it higher, and higher...!

    The grandfather closed the book immediately, leaving his last sentence unsaid. "What?! What happened to the little boy, grandpa!?", the granddaughter eagerly spoke. Her voice was jittery with excitement as her grandfather ignored this question, standing up from her bed with ease. His stance was slightly wobbly but as he walked out of the room, he grinned deviously, staring at his half-scared, half-excited granddaughter shaking in the bed. "Happy Halloween, my dear...", he spoke softly before his finger flickered off the lights and he walked out of the room. His body was old and wrinkly, useless for any manual labor now. Or was it?

    He walked through the house silently, his steps not making a sound. Finding himself in the bathroom, he pulled out a silver key, pressing it into the small keyhole that would open the bathroom closet. His hands with shakiness, reached in, grabbing a pair of barber scissors. Turning towards the bathroom mirror, he glared apathetically into the mirror. With steady hands, he held the scissors in front of his right eye, slowly moving them forward more and more with each half second...

    It walks through the night, lighting it way to the houses by its luminous lantern. The hook that shines sharply from the brightness glistens at the top of the reaper's lantern pole. No words escape the reapers mouth. Only silence...