• Over the next months Eva’s life when through some huge changes. The students who had vandalized her locker and had threatened her life had been found. They had been Lila, the girlfriends of the hokey team, and the rest of the team. The police asked if she wanted to press charges. But Eva told them she didn’t want to. She just wanted put this whole mess behind her. The school was not so forgiving. All those who where responsible where expelled from school.

    With Lila and her friends gone Eva’s school life returned to normal her grades went back up to A’s and B’s and she was no longer an outcast.


    There was only one bad point to all of this her mother’s trial. Her mother was being charged with child abuse and child endangerment. The defense lawyer was trying to say that ever since Eva’s father had passed away Eva’s mother had been mentally unstable. It wasn’t working. And after about three weeks her mother took a plea bargain. She pleaded guilty to all charges.

    When Eva’s mother was sentences Eva felt nothing. She and Adem walked out to Rafi’s car he had left the court room before they had to get the car ready. As she was leaving the court house this old couple stopped them. The old man asked, “Are you Eva Willing?”

    “Yes I am,” Eva looked at the old couple they looked familiar but she couldn’t tell how. “Do I know you?”

    The old woman started to weep. The old man’s face broke up into a huge smile, “yes, we are you grandparents on your father’s side. My name is James McKaine and this is my wife Beth McKaine.”

    “My little E,” Beth cried as she threw her arms around Eva. She held Eva very tight for someone who looked so frail.

    Adem took a closer look at Mr. McKaine. He looked to be around seventy. He had once had flame red hair but now it was graying. But it was his eyes that Adem saw first. He had the same gunmetal eyes as Eva’s. Adem looked quickly at Mrs. McKaine. She looked to be around eighty. She had whit hair with only the faintest hint or red to her hair. And when she looked at him he saw that she had fierce ice blue eyes. “If you are her grandparents then where were you all her life?” Adem asked in a skeptical voice.

    “Well it is very simple Eva’s father was Mathew McKaine our son. And the reason we weren’t in her life was because of her mother.” Beth McKaine said in a sad voice. He looked at Eva, “you see Eva, you use to live closer to us but around your third birthday your mother told your father that you might not be his.” Beth touched Eva’s face.

    Eva was reminded of her dream/memory. So she had seen that fight. “Ok but when did my father die?” Eva asked.

    “Well…” Beth’s voice broke as tears ran down from her eyes. She wiped them away but couldn’t speak anymore.

    “It’s ok Beth dear, we have frond his daughter. He isn’t really gone now.” James put a comforting arm around Beth’s shoulders. “Your father died as he was coming home from getting a DNA test done. He was in a car crash. He died instantly is what we were told.”

    Adem got impaction, “you still haven’t answered my question. Where were you all her life?”

    Beth looked at Adem he face going ashen. “We tried to find Eva! But her mother ran away here with Eva!” her voice grew louder with he anger.

    Eva squeezed Adem’s hand in warning. “It’s ok, but if there was a doubt about me being your granddaughter. Then why are you here?” Eva asked in a calming voice.

    “Because after the funeral and you and your mother had split town the test results came in the mail.” James took a deep breath, “And it said that you are our son’s daughter.” James started to cry right along side his wife.

    We…w…would…nev…never have left her…like that,” Mrs. McKaine managed to crock through her tears.

    Suddenly Eva remembered everything about her father and his family. She felt tears running down her face. She looked at the old couple. “Grandpa? Grandma?” she asked in a small child like voice as she took a step toward them.

    They both held out their arms and nodding their heads. They all embraced right there on the court house steps. After a few more minutes they let go of each other. Eva introduced them to Adem. Rafi came walking up wondering what was taking so long. And then Eva introduced him, too. They all decide to head to Marie’s house.

    As Eva was getting into Rafi’s car she caught sight of the little girl one last time. She was smiling and waving. Then Eva heard her own voice though a little bit older calling a name, “Sabryna!” The little girl with the flame red hair looked over her shoulder and the she faded away.


    This story is dedicated to my boyfriend Bontu Williams.
    Your love started this story. And helped me finished it.