• Prologue

    Where do I begin? Let me tell you this is in fact real everything you read here is my life it has happened and I feel the need to come out with the truth. I am what you call a vampyre; blood drinking immortal, cold blooded killer, deadly beauty. I need blood to live it is a necessity, to tell you the sad truth I enjoy my feeding the killing, the taste of blood, and watching the life drain out of the faces of my victims. I have many names keeping each one for one life span. My ancient and birth name is Sai’Klah, I was born in what is current France. Roughly speaking when I start this book I am approximately 6,213 years old. It is difficult to place the exact age for we counted age by seasons; this was well before the Mayans invented the current calendar. I saw eighty seasons before my dreadful fate. I was, and am the first vampyre as far as my knowledge expands.
    On every eclipse since the beginning of time my people hid from the darkness. I was how you say dared or put up to walk through the darkness during the total eclipse of the sun. It was said to even look outside on this cursed day would kill you no one ever fathomed someone walking in the bloody moon. I was determined however to prove my worth to Mateo, he was the most fierce warrior and would soon choose his bride. Every eligible girl in the village longed to get his attention, and was always near him. Lanai baked delicious pies to please his taste buds; Sámi sang a beautiful song she had written just for him, Mantana painted a portrait of Mateo on the wall of his hut with specially made paints from her own berries. I had no special talent to impress him I wasn’t the most beautiful either but I did have a reputation for being the most fun and daring.
    I was believed to be the next seer. The seers where the ones never chosen for partner, and received the painful task of being the closest to god, similar to common day nuns. That wasn’t my plan though I told Mateo if was to walk in the path of the bloody moon and return unharmed he would have to marry me. Mateo as well as everyone else considered me already dead with even thinking about it. He smiled as he shook my hand the promise was made and there was no going back.
    I stood in the middle of the village the birds where no longer chirping the crickets wouldn’t dare make a sound. The only thing that I could here was the ringing of the sun through the trees. I could see if I squinted the moon creeping up on the sun. That thought made me laugh if I knew what I know now I would be terrified, but of corse reckless me found this all funny. I never did believe the superstitions I had often laughed at the wise ones when it would come to this subject.
    As the rising shadow covered the sun; a fiery beam shot out piercing through my heart. My mouth spurred out blood; all of my life fluid draining out of my perfect shell. I tried to scream but the sound choked in my throat. Then, out of the darkness crept a ghastly creature, its face appeared to have two human eyes twisting into a cat face. It seemed to smile revealing two sets of perfectly pointed teeth. It reached out to me, and although I was floating in mid air it griped my legs its claws tearing the cloth I wore. I immediately dropped to my feet, it jumped back and with a grin full of malice started to circle me like a vulture waiting for it’s pray to die. Quicker than I could see it jumped, It was horrible to feel the pain searing up my side, to hear the tear of my skin, to smell the burning flesh as its saliva burned my skin eating away at it. I blacked out my screams echoing through the night…