• Once a path is traveled upon, it is the decision to keep traveling or return.

    As Kira walked through the forest, the sun beaming down on her, the armor was becoming warm causing her to become exhausted quickly. She should have taken this into account when devising her plan to make it to the kingdom of Kizon before nightfall. At this rate she was going to need a rest and soon, she wasn't trained for the extra heat and weight that comes along with armor. Kira was however trained in the art of fighting. She studied each move, each dodge, each counter attack, and most importantly how to win. She had surpassed every man in the king's army, she was without a doubt the strongest person in the kingdom of Askata but because of her gender she was not allowed to be any thing more than a commoner let alone be in the kings army as she had once wished to be.

    She continued through the forest, it had been eight years since her last ventures through these woods and now, even at the age of twenty she subconsciously started following the path she would when she was a child. This caused problems when she stumbled upon the small creek she had found years ago; mainly because this was the place where her nightmares became reality but also because of him. There was not a day that went by that she did not think of him, standing by the water with the sun making his black hair shine, how he looked so innocent with his young age and that bright smile he would give her each day they met up. In those day she was unaware he was the prince of the rival kingdom, she had no clue these woods had belonged to them. However, past that kind smile and friendly personality, Kira swore she would never forget nor forgive the way she was deceived and how her family paid the price.

    The memory haunted her thoughts, the blood, the pain, her family laying lifeless in the home that was soon burned down after their deaths. Kira reached into the creek and splashed some water on her face in hopes to cool herself down and to wash away the memory for the time being. These moments were critical, she must stay alert or she would die without a doubt. A cool breeze hit her face, cooling her from the outside in, she was ready to continue. She traveled what seemed like miles until she reached a ledge that put her in direct sights of Kizon castle. "Dear Prince, you're going to wish you never messed with me..." Her words were quick and silent as the wind.

    However in the end, there must be no regrets because a road untraveled is a road unknown.