• Xenia~

    "Are you sure you don't remember seeing anything else?" I nodded my head as he set down a file, frustrated and already flustered.
    I ignored his and the other men's presence as they spoke and I looked at a mirror that I knew was also a window for people on the other side
    I stood up from the chair and stared at my reflection. I appeared to be exhausted at my first glance but, then I could easily tell that I was battered. My cheek has been slit, sliced open by a pocket knife. I barely touched my swollen lip before quickly flinching away from the pain that brought tears to sting my eyes. I decided to stop looking at my damaged face and glanced back at the cops.
    "How are my parents doing?" I asked, remembering them being rolled away into an ambulance.
    The two men exchanged nervous looks and I could see I was not about to receive good news.
    "Xenia, maybe you should sit down."
    My pierced eyebrow rose as I masked my fear, like I'd been doing most of my life.
    "Xenia," The taller man set his hand on my shoulder, that I shrugged off almost instantly.
    "Don't touch me, okay...? Just, tell me about my parents."
    "Xenia, your parents are dead..."
    The words he spoke hit me hard, they had left my heart broken and my world shattered at me feet.
    "My parents are not dead!" My voice was assertive and definitive even. And yet, in a matter of minutes I dropped to the floor, holding my legs against my chest and crying without sound.