• I heard a cry. Where did it come from? Behind? Above? On one of my sides? Who made the noise? I'm the only one here.

    I looked down at my body. I saw a red stain creep down my shirt. I reached down and touched it. It was blood. I've been stabbed. But with what?

    I lifted my shirt to see the wound. But even with the moonlight, it was to dark to see. I could tell it was blood.

    There was a piercing cry come from behind. I jumped in fright. What is that coming from? Should I run? What if it was a animal? Hungry for flesh. Blood.

    Holding my side, I dashed. Hoping I would come across a house or hotel that would help me.

    A cry came from my right. Whatever it was, it sounded like it was following me.

    My side started to burn. My breath came up in shallow gasps. I fell to my knees, wishing the pain would stop.

    More cries wailed out. I was surrounded. I fought myself to stand. I looked around but having the moon covered by a cloud made it too dark.

    I started walking forward. Sending shocks up my legs every time I took a step. I bit my lip, trying to distract myself from my side.

    A stick snapped to my left. I let out a cry. Wanting to run but knowing if I did, I wouldn't make it. I was as good as dead.

    I felt something slam into the back of my knees. sending me to the ground. I kept my eyes shut tight. Not wanting to see what happened. I could feel something breathing on my face.

    "Please. Don't hurt me." I whispered.

    I felt my attacker help me to my knees and put his hands at my neck. I screamed as he snapped my neck.