• Farah and i asked Mrs Blank's permission if we could got to the science lab.She shoos us away and tells us to be quick.
    Instead of heading towards the lab we head upstairs to get the cam from farah's sister(which isnt allowed in the school).Farah's sister wasnt upstairs so we wait for her.
    Beside where we stood was a window of 3 meters high and it looked badly cracked,especially the top part.it had this lever which lets u open the window.....not in a normal way..

    Its like when someone pulls the lever,the glass opens up and it looks like as if its gonna fall on you.There were a lot of people who got scared out of thier wits with it tho they know its not gonna fall...and it never did.......yet.

    As a prankster i was,i wanted to scare farah......shes is a girly girl n all so i thot it would be cool.....and anyways that window looked strong,it was justa crack.....so i flashed farah this creepy look....n she went like
    "wanna see something freaky?"
    "okaayy.."she said uneasily.
    "you see that cracked glass up their?"
    "okay check this out!"
    I pull the lever hard and the unexpected happens.....the crack opens up and chunks of glass falls down.......okay n this part is extremely silly......everything was in a slow motion.....farah backs off in time and instead of ducking or moving off quickly......i tried catching the glasses.......wierd huh...

    Actually it was just an automatic response, i was a jock and had a habit of catching falling stuffs(well everyone does)......so same thing goes here...

    Luckily my thick head got sense in it on time and i move my hand away......but unfortunately wasnt fast enough.....my entire hand was sliced off.....kidding......got this deep gash on my hand and it was bleeding everywhere......gosh i looked like some kinda killer or something...

    Farah screamed a bit......(haha the sound of my prank's success tho it didnt go according to the plan).....
    and she woudnt dare look at my wound and we hurry off to the nurses....