• wen mr.panda look again he sow thet he in a littel room wite 2 ways next to the ways there was "way 1" "way 2" mr.panda wolk to way 1 he wolk and wolk and there was more 2 ways "way 1" "way 2" then mr.panda wolk to way 2 then kaboom!!! its saonds laik somthing blow up then more kaboom!!! then more 1 then the woll blow up next to him he sow a blue littel manster wite 3 eyes 4 legs wite no hends and funny clots wolk to him (this is a manster thet i creat he have no hends to attak wite so he using megic wite 1 of hes eyes and wite 2 of them 2 see he have 4 legs coz if not he will fall thets what giving him a really big jump) this manster attak mr.panda mr.panda jump and did dark shild and then smash the manster but there was no blod mr.panda look behind him and sow the manster then the manster did on him ice ball but mr.panda did dark shild again then he did fast attak wite jump attak and fire ball and kaboom!!! he miss the manster then mr.panda tike hes sword and hit the manster but the manster did shild then the manster did on mr.panda hurikan and fire ball in the same time mr.panda did fest attak and cut the attak then coz the manster dident sow him cuting the attak from the attak mr.panda gat out and attak the manster the manster die and blow up and a big gold shild gat out from the manster mr.panda tike the shild and then started 2 wolk and wolk and then he sow more 5 ways this time wite doors "way 1 cant teleport here" "way 2 cant us fire attaks" "way 3 cant us ice attaks" "way 4 cant us megic shilds" "way 5 cant have new skills" the and of part 10 today i dont have joks 4 you so ha you can eat thet and thet but not my cookie jok 4laugh