• I have lots of wild pets; a kangaroo, a snake and a panda and a lot more. But; these are my favorite. I have all of them since my mother is a safari member helping preserve African animals and gave me some. I help my father with his military business with my pet kangaroo. I named him after a TEKKEN game. His name is Rodger Jr. He is the world's 1st military animal. Although they don't tell that in the news. She has a baby and both of them wears boxing gloves. I normally play with him and train with him in the dojo temple. But. after her husband or father was kidnapped they searched for him all over the world. I was able to track down who and where he is. I told Rodger Jr. that he's joining a fighting tournament. Then she and her child will join and kill this man and get back their husband and father. I also have a pet bodyguard. That's Panda(also her name). She is a strong beast that makes bad people runaway. Even though she's quite strong, she is very loyal and stays by my side. After I fighting tournament I joined last 2 years she was very depressed when she saw me depressed after the tournament. She thought long and hard how to cheer me up and decided to look for my friend. She searched high and low for him but can't find him. But about 2 weeks ago I came back home not depressed. I told her that I'll join another fighting tournament and asked her if she could join. She didn't know why but she stayed loyal and did it. My pet snake is a bit different. He (I named him Viper) has venom and is quite aggresive on even me the 1st time I got him. After a while I understand the snakes can't hear. So I went to my great grandfather's temple to know how snakes interact. He told me according to their movement. Then eventually I was able to interact with him with my fingers. I trained him not to hurt my other pets and he obeyed. Yes. having pets might be hard. But its worth having them.