• Lunar had stared up at the sky. She sighed deeply and smiled lightly. She knew what was going to happen that night but it didn’t matter to her. The only thing that mattered was she got to see him. Her wish had finally become a reality. She was sitting in the cool refreshing snow. The cold wind whisked and blew through her hair as she waited. Her stomach still churned with nerves and excitement because this would be the first and last time she will ever see him. She loved him more than anything and she continued to wait. It was just about time for her to see him; her heart raced. Her stomach ached, her blood rushed, her heart pounded in her chest her head throbbed. She felt dizzy and sick. This is what love felt like. True love anyway. She stood and raced toward the entrance, stood there for a moment and pulled out a phone. With shaky hands she called. It rang and then an answer. “Hello?” Her heart about burst when he answered. “ Hey Wolfers, How are you?” She smiled. “I’m doin alright, How about you?” she laughed a bit and sat down on the ground near the door. Tears began to well up in her eyes and shakily she responded “I’m just .. Great.” “ Lunar, are you sure? You don’t sound too good.” He said after a few moments. This was the only time that they got to be together, thirty minuets on weekends and if they were lucky, online during the weekday. “I’m just really happy about something” She said, she hugged her knees as she held the phone close to her ear. She was strangely cold now. “ But you sound like your about ready to cry, are you sure your alright?” she heard him typing on the computer and she took in a deep breath. “Wolf, ill talk to you later.” She said standing up. “But we haven’t talked at all, what’s wrong?” She couldn’t have told him. She looked up at the sky and looked at the full moon. “Just promise me something before I go, Howl at the moon tonight, Please?” Tears had begun to roll down her cheeks. “ I promise ..”She heard him sigh lightly.“ But are you going to be okay?” She nodded lightly “ Yeah .. I’m going to be just fine. Ill see you soon. I love you wolf .. I really do. Bye.” She hung up without hearing his response and she waited. She shivered as her body ached, her mind was racing and she put the phone back in her pocket. The tears had frozen and she whipped them away. The only thing running through her mind was the fact that she was going to see him. She stared at the moon and then heard the door beside her being unlocked. She didn’t move and watched as the person moved to stare at the moon. He howled a low deep howl and she smiled lightly as she stared at the moon and howled along with him. To her it sounded like a brief sonnet before he had stopped and turned quickly from hearing the echoing howl. She stood up and smiled “ Its me wolf ..” She said softly. His eyes widened a bit “ L-Luna?” he said in a soft, questioning tone. “ yeah ..” She walked toward him slowly and come face to face with him. She slowly had wrapped her arms around him and felt him, He was there, it was real. The bitter cold had proven it to be so. His warmth had spread to her and he slowly wrapped him arms around her. “ I’m sorry” She said lowly nuzzling her face into his clothes and closes her eyes. When people say they wish time could stand still and they could live in that moment forever, Now she knew what it truly meant. She knew, not to long from this moment, it would all be over for her. She knew everything would come to an abrupt stop. And it did. She pulled back and put her hands on his cheeks, she kissed him. Her cold chapped lips pressed onto his warm ones. She held herself there for only a moment before she pulled back and stared straight into his eyes. “ I love you my wolf ..” She said softly, barely audible. Before he could say anything she broke away from him. She ran. She heard them coming, but it didn’t bother her because she was happy. She just didn’t want him to see her end. She didn’t want him to see her blood that was about to be shed. She didn’t want him to see her die …