• Chapter 1, The past

    "Hah, look at her. She looks patheic and ugly!"
    "I know right, look at her broken glasses she looks like a total nerd."
    "Ugh i wouldnt even like to sit next to her!"

    Voices were storming as i walked down the hallway. I kept my head down, i was the school loser. I was in a rich school but i cant afford anything anymore. My parents died. It all started when i was in a car, something kept on telling me to get out

    "Get out, get out! Before something bad happends!"
    I hesitated as i heard the voice. Why should i get out i thought?
    "GET OUT OF THE CAR NOW!" I heard again.

    "Mother, father im going to get out to check whats in this store.." I looked at the door and got out and looked at the store. Ew! It was old and filthy! And as i got out i heard a loud boom and i saw the car on fire

    "MOM!! DAD!!" I screamed but they were already dead as the car pieces flew and i buried my face into my hands as i cried. When i went home i cut my hair i looked like a different person.

    "Th-this should d-do-...." I said quietly to myself and i looked to myself in the mirror. The money was passed onto me since we were a real rich family and i started to cry when i thought of my parents.

    I still hung my head down trying to ignore the people and stopping them from seeing my face. Why? Why me? Why does everything bad happen to me?
    I opened the door to my class and flung my head up and sat in my seat. People looked at me.

    "Ugh.. she looked better way before!"
    "No she was better like 2 miles away from us."
    "She looks weird and ugly..and nerdy."

    There was a girl in the class, everyone loved her. She was kind pretty and smart. She shrugged and i looked at her, she was just behind me

    "H-hi..." she said.
    "Hey." i said
    "So u-uhmm..Whats your name?" she asked
    "Why do you want to know? Its Melodi.." i looked at her long brown shiny hair. Why would such a beautiful girl like her ask me?
    "I-I think your nice and pretty. I really like short hair but i cant cut mine.." she said lowering her voice so no one would hear
    "Oh-um.. thanks." i said smiling.

    The rest of the class saw us speaking and whispered
    "Why would Sara talk to her?"
    "Yeah why would she ? Shes a loser!"
    "Hey maybe we should trick her."
    "I agree! Leah you do it!"
    "Ugh what do i have to do.." said Leah.
    "All you have to do is just give her a fake paper saying that theres gonna be a party at your house and lead her to the ralleys."
    "That doesnt sound so bad." she said. "Alright i'll do it.." and the people gave her directions

    "Hey nerd, theres gonna be a party. Oh hi Sara." Leah standed up straight she wished to be Sara. She was the popularest but she didnt notice her!
    "Your names Sara?" asked Melodi
    "Y-yeah. Hey there.." she growled.
    "So like, heres the paperrr.." said Leah in a bitchy tone.
    "I dont like your tone brat!" muttered Sara
    "OMG! THANKS" exclaimed Melodi

    Chapter 2- The fake party
    Leah left. " Why are you so happy!?" growled Sara again
    "Well this is the first time i got invited by the popular group!"
    "NO!NO!" shouted Sara
    "What? Whats wrong with being invited?"
    "N-never-mi-mind.." Sara hung her head down
    * And i thought she would know..* A tear slipped off her cheek.
    "Whats wrong?" " Nothing! Go ahead! Go to your party, Why should i care!?" she shouted again. and she turned away from melodi and looked at the board Class started.

    After school she went to the ralley. There she found gangsters
    "Yo wuzzup ugly." said one. They were ordered from Leah to beat her up.
    "Wh-who are you? Im sorry this is n-not the r-right p-pl-ace" she stuttered. She knew no one would give her the wrong directions! Then again.. she started running but she got hit with a bat on the back. They kept on beating her up. "H-h-help..A-any-o-one t-there.." and she was knocked out. Some weeks passed and she never woke up..

    Chapter 4-Huh?

    She droopingly opened her eyes slowly.
    "Where am i.." and her vision was clear
    "Strange my vision is really bad." she looked around the room, and it was a fancy bedroom. A guy walked in
    "AHH *****!#!@#" she screamed.
    "Dont worry! Im not a -..what the..Anyway. Im Sara's brother. You got tricked.."
    "I-i feel s-still.. sleepy.." but she never woke up again, she only got to wake up for 5 minutes.
    "W-well..im-going..t-tell s--sara.."

    Those were her last words..