• i hate the beginnging of the week therefore i am deleting mondays. I did think this over and then screamed into a pillow realising that the beginning of the week would be tuesday..
    Then grasping pillow number two i would have delete that too! gonk
    giving up on pillows everywhere i would have to delete every day of the week.
    BUT WAIT before throwing away my grasp on sanity, i begin to realise that by default it would be the beginning of the week again, which you know is monday even if i wish to delete it.
    *i mean how can we get on with the rest of the week if it doesnt start?!*.
    after loosing my grip on sanity i then realise this would happen everyday which would mean that every day is MONDAY!!!!!
    (take a moment to gasp retardedly)
    If we kill evryone on earth and blow up all of existance
    then we wont have to drag our selves through the M day the is always to come
    if we are all gonna die..
    whoose first?

    *stabs a pillow*
    *drops sanity box*