• Drum beats sound medieval tales:
    Myths of secret and of war.
    This deep, smoky, rubied sound
    Is the lore of passion and honor.

    A Lady’s whisper to her forbidden Knight,
    Scandalous. Secretly encouraged.
    Her skirt swishes through the midnight halls,
    As Betrothed savors chocolate raspberries.
    He is deceived to her heart’s yearning.

    Yet tonight, her skirt’s swaying
    Catches the notice of a rat.
    Sneaky rodent grovels back to Master
    Who wishes now, not for fruit, but sweet blood

    Cries of horror resound in musty dark,
    The Knight protects his beloved!
    The drum’s guttural tones ring.
    They betray the call of combat.

    Lady’s Knight bows to nobility’s stand.
    She bravely captures the sob
    Ripping and clawing at her throat.
    No sign of weakness passes
    Except in their dismayed stares.

    Clutching her kerchief, her token, to his breast
    The Knight sardonically bows once more.
    He salutes Death for his only love
    And takes a fighting stance.

    Clashing swords, choked back tears.
    The Knight swings desperately.
    But weariness causes stumbling,
    And Death victors over Love.

    She runs to him, a kiss to save him
    Denying the imminent farewell.
    He smiles through tears and pain,
    An attempt to banish her fear,
    While Death collects His prize.

    The Lady’s intended backs away
    In horror, pale with utter despair.
    His only Lady destroys his hope
    As she weeps with the dead foe’s hand.

    The tale ends thus and details the ache
    That this beat brings to Love.
    Never will it end as fairytale,
    Never to be changed.