• Balance Rock

    Would anyone else cry?
    Would anyone really care?
    If their school was closed, would anyone dare,
    To show remorse or sorrow, disappointment or fear.
    Would anyone else shed one single tear?

    At childhood we learned to dread the bus's arrival
    And only when school let out would we dare a smile
    We were told to learn wasn't supposed to be fun
    To sit back and endure 12 years until we were done
    It was supposed to be normal, and yet it didn't seem right
    Most conceded while few continued to fight.

    We were told we were wrong, we misbehaved and got crummy grades
    All the while, weeks turned into months, and hours into days
    And Were it not for one place like this we would all remain.

    Balance Rock, we were all skeptical, we were all lost.
    Could learning actually be fun?
    We all took a chance, and to this very day none of us regret the decision we've made.
    There are still no words to describe it in any way.
    Not awesome or great,
    Theres no word that one person could make
    To properly define our balance rock.

    On this day we learned this week would be our last,
    Balance rock would be no more, it all happened so fast.
    A place that had taught us and allowed us to grow, would soon be no more.
    The sun shone brightly and the sky, and yet all of us waited for it to pour.
    We can't stop it, and we can't make it stay,
    We can't have a meeting and discuss it all away.

    All we can do is be grateful for what we had
    Allow thoughts of Br to make us glad
    And Maybe think of just how lucky we were.

    Thank you Gray for making this wonderful place, Thank you Nan for teaching us, Thank you Nick for Helping us, Thank you Students, for making this school so great...

    Would anyone else cry?
    Would anyone really care?
    If their school was closed, would anyone dare,
    To show remorse or sorrow, disappointment or fear.
    Would anyone else shed one single tear?