• like a phoenix rising form the ashes
    I am reborn, no longer living dead
    My spirit revives, I can once again defy that which binds me
    I laugh at the joy this new day brings
    my eyes shining with fire
    All in black my shirt and blouse
    hair and skin pale like vision of death
    I find myself in this image
    I still live, breath, so I can still fight
    rage against my cage, the cage of closed minds
    I can write, pour my soul onto paper
    they can't stop me, the words in my mind distract me
    until I use them, like a knife made of my spirit, my soul
    of blinding truth, I write, I show my works
    my emotion, my pain, written for all to see
    so all can understand
    the living flame, the pain that is me
    my trails, my joys, my unending sorrows, all that I am
    written on paper
    an unending, unyielding stream of pain, joy, laughs, and horror
    My life, my soul, my heart, my mind, my beliefs
    all written
    put were all can see
    and maybe, just maybe, understand